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arpd (8)
userspace arp daemon.
cgroup_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux cgroup namespaces
access ancillary data
df (1)
report file system disk space usage
du (1)
estimate file space usage
e2freefrag (8)
report free space fragmentation information
expand (1)
convert tabs to spaces
fallocate (1)
preallocate or deallocate space to a file
fallocate (2)
manipulate file space
fuse (4)
Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) device
futex (2)
fast user-space locking
futex (7)
fast user-space locking
git-stripspace (1)
Remove unnecessary whitespace
gitnamespaces (7)
Git namespaces
ioctl_ns (2)
ioctl() operations for Linux namespaces
ip-netns (8)
process network namespace management
ipc_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux IPC namespaces
isspace (3)
character classification functions
isspace_l (3)
character classification functions
iswblank (3)
test for whitespace wide character
iswspace (3)
test for whitespace wide character
lsns (8)
list namespaces
lvextend (8)
Add space to a logical volume
mount_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux mount namespaces
namespace.conf (5)
the namespace configuration file
namespaces (7)
overview of Linux namespaces
netlink (7)
communication between kernel and user space (AF_NETLINK)
network_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux network namespaces
nsenter (1)
run program with namespaces of other processes
ntfsfallocate (8)
preallocate space to a file on an NTFS volume
ntfswipe (8)
overwrite unused space on an NTFS volume
pam_namespace (8)
PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pid_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux PID namespaces
posix_fallocate (3)
allocate file space
process_vm_readv (2)
transfer data between process address spaces
process_vm_writev (2)
transfer data between process address spaces
setns (2)
reassociate thread with a namespace
snap-discard-ns (8)
internal tool for discarding preserved namespaces of s...
thin_trim (8)
Issue discard requests for free pool space (offline to...
unexpand (1)
convert spaces to tabs
unshare (1)
run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
user_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux user namespaces
uts_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux UTS namespaces
xfs_estimate (8)
estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_spaceman (8)
show free space information about an XFS filesystem