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_newselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
apt-transport-mirror (1)
APT transport for more automated mirror selection
btrfs-select-super (8)
overwrite primary superblock with a backup copy
byobu-select-backend (1)
select your default Byobu backend window manager
byobu-select-profile (1)
select your Byobu foreground and background colors
byobu-select-session (1)
select and connect to a byobu session
debconf-set-selections (1)
insert new values into the debconf database
dmmp_path_group_selector_get (3)
Retrieve path group selector.
podselect (1)
print selected sections of pod documentation on standa...
pselect (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect6 (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
select (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
select-editor (1)
select your default sensible-editor from all installed...
select_tut (2)
synchronous I/O multiplexing
tzselect (1)
view timezones
tzselect (8)
select a timezone