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pthread_attr_destroy (3)
initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getaffinity_np (3)
set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_getdetachstate (3)
set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_getguardsize (3)
set/get guard size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_getinheritsched (3)
set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_getschedparam (3)
set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (3)
set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_getscope (3)
set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_attr_getstack (3)
set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstackaddr (3)
set/get stack address attribute in thread att...
pthread_attr_getstacksize (3)
set/get stack size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_init (3)
initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np (3)
set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (3)
set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_setguardsize (3)
set/get guard size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_setinheritsched (3)
set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_setschedparam (3)
set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (3)
set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_setscope (3)
set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_attr_setstack (3)
set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstackaddr (3)
set/get stack address attribute in thread att...
pthread_attr_setstacksize (3)
set/get stack size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_cancel (3)
send a cancellation request to a thread
pthread_cleanup_pop (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-u...
pthread_cleanup_push (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up...
pthread_create (3)
create a new thread
pthread_detach (3)
detach a thread
pthread_equal (3)
compare thread IDs
pthread_exit (3)
terminate calling thread
pthread_getaffinity_np (3)
set/get CPU affinity of a thread
pthread_getattr_default_np (3)
get or set default thread-creation attributes
pthread_getattr_np (3)
get attributes of created thread
pthread_getconcurrency (3)
set/get the concurrency level
pthread_getcpuclockid (3)
retrieve ID of a thread's CPU time clock
pthread_getname_np (3)
set/get the name of a thread
pthread_getschedparam (3)
set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_join (3)
join with a terminated thread
pthread_kill (3)
send a signal to a thread
pthread_kill_other_threads_np (3)
terminate all other threads in process
pthread_mutex_consistent (3)
make a robust mutex consistent
pthread_mutex_consistent_np (3)
make a robust mutex consistent
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared (3)
get/set process-shared mutex attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust (3)
get and set the robustness attribute of a m...
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust_np (3)
get and set the robustness attribute of ...
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared (3)
get/set process-shared mutex attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust (3)
get and set the robustness attribute of a m...
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np (3)
get and set the robustness attribute of ...
pthread_rwlockattr_getkind_np (3)
set/get the read-write lock kind of the t...
pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np (3)
set/get the read-write lock kind of the t...
pthread_self (3)
obtain ID of the calling thread
pthread_setaffinity_np (3)
set/get CPU affinity of a thread
pthread_setattr_default_np (3)
get or set default thread-creation attributes
pthread_setcancelstate (3)
set cancelability state and type
pthread_setcanceltype (3)
set cancelability state and type
pthread_setconcurrency (3)
set/get the concurrency level
pthread_setname_np (3)
set/get the name of a thread
pthread_setschedparam (3)
set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_setschedprio (3)
set scheduling priority of a thread
pthread_sigmask (3)
examine and change mask of blocked signals
pthread_sigqueue (3)
queue a signal and data to a thread
pthread_spin_destroy (3)
initialize or destroy a spin lock
pthread_spin_init (3)
initialize or destroy a spin lock
pthread_spin_lock (3)
lock and unlock a spin lock
pthread_spin_trylock (3)
lock and unlock a spin lock
pthread_spin_unlock (3)
lock and unlock a spin lock
pthread_testcancel (3)
request delivery of any pending cancellation request
pthread_timedjoin_np (3)
try to join with a terminated thread
pthread_tryjoin_np (3)
try to join with a terminated thread
pthread_yield (3)
yield the processor
pthreads (7)
POSIX threads