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home | help
adduser.conf (5)
configuration file for adduser(8) and addgroup(8) .
deluser.conf (5)
configuration file for deluser(8) and delgroup(8) .
mailcap.order (5)
the mailcap ordering specifications
30-systemd-environment-d-generator (8)
Load variables specified by environm...
as (1)
the portable GNU assembler.
apparmor (7)
kernel enhancement to confine programs to a limited se...
tc-bpf (8)
BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
Compose (5)
X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
Dpkg (3perl)
module with core variables
Error (3pm)
Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
highlight (1)
a universal sourcecode to formatted text converter
mmdf (5)
Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility mailbox...
PAM (7)
Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
RAND (7ssl)
the OpenSSL random generator
URI (3pm)
Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
wget (1)
The non-interactive network downloader.
__after_morecore_hook (3)
malloc debugging variables
__ppc_mdoio (3)
Hint the processor to release shared resources
__ppc_mdoom (3)
Hint the processor to release shared resources
__ppc_set_ppr_low (3)
Set the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_med (3)
Set the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_med_high (3)
Set the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_med_low (3)
Set the Program Priority Register
__ppc_set_ppr_very_low (3)
Set the Program Priority Register
__ppc_yield (3)
Hint the processor to release shared resources
__setfpucw (3)
set FPU control word on i386 architecture (obsolete)
_syscall (2)
invoking a system call without library support (OBSOLETE)
aa-enabled (1)
test whether AppArmor is enabled
aa-exec (1)
confine a program with the specified AppArmor profile
aa-remove-unknown (8)
remove unknown AppArmor profiles
aa-status (8)
display various information about the current AppArmor...
aa-teardown (8)
unload all AppArmor profiles
abort (3)
cause abnormal process termination
access (2)
check user's permissions for a file
acct (2)
switch process accounting on or off
add-apt-repository (1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or ...
addgnupghome (8)
Create .gnupg home directories
addgroup (8)
add a user or group to the system
addmntent (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
adduser (8)
add a user or group to the system
adjtime (3)
correct the time to synchronize the system clock
adjtime_config (5)
information about hardware clock setting and drift factor
aio_error (3)
get error status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspend (3)
wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
alarm (2)
set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal
Algorithm::Diff (3pm)
Compute `intelligent' differences between two files /...
Algorithm::Diff::XS (3pm)
Algorithm::Diff with XS core loop
Algorithm::DiffOld (3pm)
Compute `intelligent' differences between two file...
Algorithm::Merge (3pm)
Three-way merge and diff
aliases (5)
Postfix local alias database format
aligned_alloc (3)
allocate aligned memory
alloc_hugepages (2)
allocate or free huge pages
alloca (3)
allocate memory that is automatically freed
alphasort (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
apparmor.d (5)
syntax of security profiles for AppArmor.
apparmor.vim (5)
vim syntax highlighting file for AppArmor profiles
apparmor_parser (8)
loads AppArmor profiles into the kernel
apparmor_status (8)
display various information about the current AppArmor...
applygnupgdefaults (8)
Run gpgconf --apply-defaults for all users.
apport-bug (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-cli (1)
Apport user interfaces for reporting problems
apport-collect (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-unpack (1)
extract the fields of a problem report to separate files
apt-add-repository (1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or ...
apt-mark (8)
show, set and unset various settings for a package
apt-secure (8)
Archive authentication support for APT
apt-sortpkgs (1)
Utility to sort package index files
apt-transport-http (1)
APT transport for downloading via the Hypertext Tran...
apt-transport-https (1)
APT transport for downloading via the HTTP Secure p...
apt-transport-mirror (1)
APT transport for more automated mirror selection
apt.conf (5)
Configuration file for APT
apt_auth.conf (5)
Login configuration file for APT sources and proxies
apt_preferences (5)
Preference control file for APT
arm_fadvise (2)
predeclare an access pattern for file data
arm_fadvise64_64 (2)
predeclare an access pattern for file data
arpaname (1)
translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
arptables-nft-restore (8)
Restore ARP Tables (nft-based)
asctime (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
assert (3)
abort the program if assertion is false
assert_perror (3)
test errnum and abort
at (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
at.allow (5)
determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
at.deny (5)
determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
atd (8)
run jobs queued for later execution
atexit (3)
register a function to be called at normal process ter...
atq (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
atrm (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
auth_destroy (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
Authen::SASL (3pm)
SASL Authentication framework
authnone_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
authorized_keys (5)
OpenSSH daemon
authunix_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create_default (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
backtrace (3)
support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols (3)
support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fd (3)
support for application self-debugging
badblocks (8)
search a device for bad blocks
basename (1)
strip directory and suffix from filenames
bashbug (1)
report a bug in bash
batch (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
bc (1)
An arbitrary precision calculator language
bdflush (2)
start, flush, or tune buffer-dirty-flush daemon
bindresvport (3)
bind a socket to a privileged IP port
bindtextdomain (3)
set directory containing message catalogs
binfmt.d (5)
Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
biosdecode (8)
BIOS information decoder
blkdiscard (8)
discard sectors on a device
bounce (5)
Postfix bounce message template format
bounce (8postfix)
Postfix delivery status reports
bpf (2)
perform a command on an extended BPF map or program
bsearch (3)
binary search of a sorted array
bswap (3)
reverse order of bytes
bswap_16 (3)
reverse order of bytes
bswap_32 (3)
reverse order of bytes
bswap_64 (3)
reverse order of bytes
btrfs-check (8)
check or repair a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-convert (8)
convert from ext2/3/4 or reiserfs filesystem to btrfs ...
btrfs-filesystem (8)
command group that primarily does work on the whole fi...
btrfs-image (8)
create/restore an image of the filesystem
btrfs-inspect-internal (8)
query various internal information
btrfs-property (8)
get/set/list properties for given filesystem object
btrfs-restore (8)
try to restore files from a damaged btrfs filesystem i...
btrfsck (8)
check or repair a btrfs filesystem
bunzip2 (1)
a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
byobu (1)
wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuratio...
byobu-config (1)
Configuration utility for byobu
byobu-ctrl-a (1)
Configure Byobu's ctrl-a behavior
byobu-disable (1)
wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startu...
byobu-disable-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell c...
byobu-enable (1)
wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startu...
byobu-enable-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell co...
byobu-export (1)
byobu-janitor (1)
script for cleaning and upgrading environment after up...
byobu-layout (1)
Save and restore byobu-tmux layouts
byobu-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell confi...
byobu-quiet (1)
Silence all of Byobu's status indicators and eliminate...
byobu-select-profile (1)
select your Byobu foreground and background colors
byobu-silent (1)
Silence all of Byobu's status indicators, eliminate th...
byobu-status (1)
displays status suitable for printing by the BYOBU_BAC...
byobu-ugraph (1)
helper script for notification history graphs
byobu-ulevel (1)
helper script for notification level indicators
byteorder (3)
convert values between host and network byte order
bzegrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzfgrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzgrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzip2 (1)
a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
bzless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse... (1ssl)
friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
cache_check (8)
validates cache metadata on a device or file.
cache_dump (8)
dump cache metadata from device or file to standard ou...
cache_metadata_size (8)
Estimate the size of the metadata device needed for...
cache_restore (8)
restore cache metadata file to device or file.
cache_writeback (8)
writeback dirty blocks to the origin device.
cacheflush (2)
flush contents of instruction and/or data cache
calloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
callrpc (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
canonical (5)
Postfix canonical table format
capability.conf (5)
configuration file for the pam_cap module
catman (8)
create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
cfdisk (8)
display or manipulate a disk partition table
cfree (3)
free allocated memory
cgdisk (8)
Curses-based GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
CGI::Carp (3pm)
CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error...
CGI::Fast (3pm)
CGI Interface for Fast CGI
CGI::HTML::Functions (3pm)
Documentation for Legacy HTML Functionality
CGI::Pretty (3pm)
module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
CGI::Session::Driver::db_file (3pm)
CGI::Session driver for BerkeleyDB usin...
CGI::Session::Driver::DBI (3pm)
Base class for native DBI-related CGI::Sess...
CGI::Session::Driver::mysql (3pm)
CGI::Session driver for MySQL database
CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql (3pm)
PostgreSQL driver for CGI::Session
CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite (3pm)
CGI::Session driver for SQLite
CGI::Session::ErrorHandler (3pm)
error handling routines for CGI::Session
CGI::Session::ID::md5 (3pm)
default CGI::Session ID generator
CGI::Session::ID::static (3pm)
CGI::Session ID Driver for generating static...
CGI::Session::Serialize::freezethaw (3pm)
serializer for CGI::Session
CGI::Session::Serialize::storable (3pm)
Serializer for CGI::Session
CGI::Session::Test::Default (3pm)
Run a suite of tests for a given CGI::Ses...
CGI::Session::Tutorial (3pm)
Extended CGI::Session manual
chage (1)
change user password expiry information
chardet3 (1)
universal character encoding detector
chardetect3 (1)
universal character encoding detector
chdir (2)
change working directory
check-language-support (1)
returns the list of missing packages in order to...
check_forensic (8)
tool to extract mod_log_forensic output from apache lo...
chfn (1)
change real user name and information
chgpasswd (8)
update group passwords in batch mode
chmem (8)
configure memory
choom (1)
display and adjust OOM-killer score.
chpasswd (8)
update passwords in batch mode
chroot (2)
change root directory
chroot (8)
run command or interactive shell with special root dir...
chvt (1)
change foreground virtual terminal
cidr_table (5)
format of Postfix CIDR tables
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-li...
clnt_broadcast (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_call (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_control (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_destroy (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_freeres (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_geterr (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerror (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perrno (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perror (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerror (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrno (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperror (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clntraw_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clnttcp_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_bufcreate (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
clock (3)
determine processor time
close (2)
close a file descriptor
closedir (3)
close a directory
openproc (3)
initialize process information from /proc/
cloud-id (1)
Report the canonical cloud-id for this instance
tc-codel (8)
Controlled-Delay Active Queue Management algorithm
colcrt (1)
filter nroff output for CRT previewing
comm (1)
compare two sorted files line by line
console-setup (5)
configuration file for setupcon
console_ioctl (4)
ioctls for console terminal and virtual consoles
core (5)
core dump file
corelist (1)
a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
cp (1)
copy files and directories
cpgr (8)
copy with locking the given file to the password or gr...
cpp (1)
The C Preprocessor
cpp-9 (1)
The C Preprocessor
cppw (8)
copy with locking the given file to the password or gr...
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR (3)
macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR_S (3)
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
macros for manipulating CPU sets
cpuset (7)
confine processes to processor and memory node subsets
crda (8)
send to the kernel a wireless regulatory domain for a ...
crontab (1)
maintain crontab files for individual users (Vixie Cron)
crontab (5)
tables for driving cron
crypt (5)
storage format for hashed passphrases and available ha...
crypt_gensalt (3)
encode settings for passphrase hashing
crypt_gensalt_ra (3)
encode settings for passphrase hashing
crypt_gensalt_rn (3)
encode settings for passphrase hashing
cryptsetup-reencrypt (8)
tool for offline LUKS device re-encryption
crypttab (5)
static information about encrypted filesystems
ctail (1)
watch and colorize a logfile
ctime (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctstat (8)
unified linux network statistics
cvtsudoers (1)
convert between sudoers file formats
date (1)
print or set the system date and time
Date::Format (3pm)
Date formating subroutines
Date::Language (3pm)
Language specific date formating and parsing
Date::Language::Bulgarian (3pm)
localization for Date::Format
Date::Language::Hungarian (3pm)
Magyar format for Date::Format
daylight (3)
initialize time conversion information
DBD::DBM (3pm)
a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::File (3pm)
Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::Developers (3pm)
Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD::File::Roadmap (3pm)
Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl D...
DBD::Gofer (3pm)
A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remo...
DBD::Gofer::Policy::Base (3pm)
Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
DBD::Gofer::Policy::classic (3pm)
The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::pedantic (3pm)
The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush (3pm)
The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Transport::Base (3pm)
base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
DBD::Gofer::Transport::corostream (3pm)
Async DBD::Gofer stream transport u...
DBD::Gofer::Transport::null (3pm)
DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm)
DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream (3pm)
DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
DBD::Mem (3pm)
a DBI driver for Mem & MLMem files
DBD::Pg (3pm)
PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
DBD::Proxy (3pm)
A proxy driver for the DBI
DBI (3pm)
Database independent interface for Perl
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI (3pm)
ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC (3pm)
ODBC Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn (3pm)
Data and functions for describing GetInfo r...
DBI::DBD::Metadata (3pm)
Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata m...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine (3pm)
Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL ...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers (3pm)
Developers documentation for DBI::DBD...
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Base (3pm)
base class for Gofer serialization
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Storable (3pm)
Gofer serialization using Storable
DBI::Gofer::Transport::Base (3pm)
Base class for Gofer transports
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm)
DBD::Gofer server-side transport for p...
DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream (3pm)
DBD::Gofer server-side transport for st...
DBI::Profile (3pm)
Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI::ProfileSubs (3pm)
Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
DBI::ProxyServer (3pm)
a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI::Util::CacheMemory (3pm)
a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::...
DBI::W32ODBC (3pm)
An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
dbilogstrip (1p)
filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof (1p)
command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
dbiproxy (1p)
A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbus-cleanup-sockets (1)
clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus-monitor (1)
debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus-update-activation-environment (1)
update environment used for D-Bus se...
dcngettext (3)
translate message and choose plural form
dconf-service (1)
D-Bus service for writes to the dconf database
deb (5)
Debian binary package format
deb-buildinfo (5)
Debian build information file format
deb-changelog (5)
dpkg source packages' changelog file format
deb-changes (5)
Debian changes file format
deb-control (5)
Debian binary packages' master control file format
deb-old (5)
old style Debian binary package format
deb-origin (5)
Vendor-specific information files
deb-shlibs (5)
Debian shared library information file
deb-split (5)
Debian multi-part binary package format
deb-src-control (5)
Debian source packages' master control file format
deb-src-files (5)
Debian distribute files format
deb-symbols (5)
Debian's extended shared library information file
deb-systemd-helper (1p)
subset of systemctl for machines not running systemd
deb-version (7)
Debian package version number format
deb822 (5)
Debian RFC822 control data format
debconf-escape (1)
helper when working with debconf's escape capability
debian-distro-info (1)
provides information about Debian's distributions
DebianNet (3)
create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd.
defer (8postfix)
Postfix delivery status reports
defined (3)
a library for working with MaxMind DB files
delgroup (8)
remove a user or group from the system
delpart (8)
tell the kernel to forget about a partition
deluser (8)
remove a user or group from the system
depmod.d (5)
Configuration directory for depmod
des_modes (7ssl)
the variants of DES and other crypto algorithms of Ope...
devlink-health (8)
devlink health reporting and recovery
devlink-monitor (8)
state monitoring
devlink-port (8)
devlink port configuration
df (1)
report file system disk space usage
dgst (1ssl)
perform digest operations
dh_bash-completion (1)
install bash completions for package
dh_perl_dbi (1)
add dependencies required for DBI modules
dh_perl_openssl (1)
add dependencies required for OpenSSL modules
dhclient-script (8)
DHCP client network configuration script
dir (1)
list directory contents
dir_colors (5)
configuration file for dircolors(1)
dircolors (1)
color setup for ls
dirfd (3)
get directory stream file descriptor
distro-info (1)
provides information about the distributions' releases
dladdr (3)
translate address to symbolic information
dladdr1 (3)
translate address to symbolic information
dlerror (3)
obtain error diagnostic for functions in the dlopen API
dlinfo (3)
obtain information about a dynamically loaded object
dlsym (3)
obtain address of a symbol in a shared object or execu...
dlvsym (3)
obtain address of a symbol in a shared object or execu...
dmesg (1)
print or control the kernel ring buffer
dmmp_context_free (3)
Release the memory of struct dmmp_context.
dmmp_context_log_priority_get (3)
Get log priority.
dmmp_context_log_priority_set (3)
Set log priority.
dmmp_last_error_msg (3)
Retrieves the last error message.
dmmp_log_priority_str (3)
Convert log priority to string.
dmmp_path_group_priority_get (3)
Retrieve path group priority.
dmmp_path_group_selector_get (3)
Retrieve path group selector.
dmmp_strerror (3)
Convert error code to string.
dngettext (3)
translate message and choose plural form
dnssec-cds (1)
change DS records for a child zone based on CDS/CDNSKEY
dnssec-importkey (1)
import DNSKEY records from external systems so they ca...
dnssec-settime (1)
set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key
dnssec-trust-anchors.d (5)
DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files
domainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dosfslabel (8)
set or get MS-DOS filesystem label
dpkg (1)
package manager for Debian
dpkg-architecture (1)
set and determine the architecture for package building
dpkg-buildpackage (1)
build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-maintscript-helper (1)
works around known dpkg limitations in maintain...
dpkg-preconfigure (8)
let packages ask questions prior to their installation
dpkg-vendor (1)
queries information about distribution vendors
Dpkg::Build::Info (3perl)
handle build information
Dpkg::Changelog::Parse (3perl)
generic changelog parser for dpkg-parsechang...
Dpkg::Control (3perl)
parse and manipulate official control-like information
Dpkg::Control::FieldsCore (3perl)
manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Control::HashCore (3perl)
parse and manipulate a block of RFC822-like...
Dpkg::Control::Types (3perl)
export CTRL_* constants
Dpkg::Deps::OR (3perl)
list of OR dependencies
Dpkg::Index (3perl)
generic index of control information
Dpkg::Interface::Storable (3perl)
common methods related to object serializ...
Dpkg::IPC (3perl)
helper functions for IPC
Dpkg::Source::Format (3perl)
manipulate debian/source/format files
Dpkg::Vendor (3perl)
get access to some vendor specific information
Dpkg::Vendor::Debian (3perl)
Debian vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Default (3perl)
default vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu (3perl)
Ubuntu vendor object
dprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
drand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
dsc (5)
Debian source packages' control file format
dumpe2fs (8)
dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
dup (2)
duplicate a file descriptor
dup2 (2)
duplicate a file descriptor
dup3 (2)
duplicate a file descriptor
dysize (3)
get number of days for a given year
e2freefrag (8)
report free space fragmentation information
e2fsck.conf (5)
Configuration file for e2fsck
e2scrub_all (8)
check all mounted ext[234] filesystems for errors.
e2undo (8)
Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
e4defrag (8)
online defragmenter for ext4 filesystem
eaccess (3)
check effective user's permissions for a file
ebtables-nft-restore (8)
iptables using nftables kernel api
ed (1)
line-oriented text editor
Ed25519 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY Ed25519 and Ed448 support
Ed448 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY Ed25519 and Ed448 support
editor (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
editrc (5edit)
configuration file for editline library
elf (5)
format of Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files
tc-ematch (8)
extended matches for use with "basic", "cgroup" or "fl...
enc2xs (1)
- Perl Encode Module Generator
endhostent (3)
get network host entry
endmntent (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
endnetent (3)
get network entry
endnetgrent (3)
handle network group entries
endpwent (3)
get password file entry
endspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
envsubst (1)
substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
envz (3)
environment string support
envz_add (3)
environment string support
envz_entry (3)
environment string support
envz_get (3)
environment string support
envz_merge (3)
environment string support
envz_remove (3)
environment string support
envz_strip (3)
environment string support
epoll_create (2)
open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_create1 (2)
open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_ctl (2)
control interface for an epoll file descriptor
epoll_pwait (2)
wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
epoll_wait (2)
wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
eqn (1)
format equations for troff or MathML
era_check (8)
validate era metadata on device or file.
era_dump (8)
dump era metadata from device or file to standard output.
era_restore (8)
restore era metadata file to device or file.
erand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
erf (3)
error function
erfc (3)
complementary error function
erfcf (3)
complementary error function
erfcl (3)
complementary error function
erff (3)
error function
erfl (3)
error function
err (3)
formatted error messages
errno (3)
number of last error
error (3)
glibc error reporting functions
error (8postfix)
Postfix error/retry mail delivery agent
Error::Simple (3pm)
the simple error sub-class of Error
error_at_line (3)
glibc error reporting functions
error_message_count (3)
glibc error reporting functions
error_one_per_line (3)
glibc error reporting functions
error_print_progname (3)
glibc error reporting functions
errstr (1ssl)
lookup error codes
errx (3)
formatted error messages
ethtool (8)
query or control network driver and hardware settings
euidaccess (3)
check effective user's permissions for a file
eventfd (2)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read (3)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)
create a file descriptor for event notification
ex (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
execveat (2)
execute program relative to a directory file descriptor
exit (3)
cause normal process termination
expiry (1)
check and enforce password expiration policy
faccessat (2)
check user's permissions for a file
factor (1)
factor numbers
fadvise64 (2)
predeclare an access pattern for file data
fadvise64_64 (2)
predeclare an access pattern for file data
faillock (8)
Tool for displaying and modifying the authentication f...
faillog (8)
display faillog records or set login failure limits
fallocate (1)
preallocate or deallocate space to a file
fanotify (7)
monitoring filesystem events
fanotify_mark (2)
add, remove, or modify an fanotify mark on a filesyste...
fatlabel (8)
set or get MS-DOS filesystem label
fchdir (2)
change working directory
fcntl (2)
manipulate file descriptor
fcntl64 (2)
manipulate file descriptor
fdatasync (2)
synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
fdformat (8)
low-level format a floppy disk
fdopendir (3)
open a directory
ferror (3)
check and reset stream status
ferror_unlocked (3)
nonlocking stdio functions
fexecve (3)
execute program specified via file descriptor
ffs (3)
find first bit set in a word
ffsl (3)
find first bit set in a word
ffsll (3)
find first bit set in a word
fgetpwent (3)
get password file entry
fgetspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
fgetspent_r (3)
get shadow password file entry
File::Listing (3pm)
parse directory listing
filefrag (8)
report on file fragmentation
finalrd (1)
final runtime directory generator for shutdown
fincore (1)
count pages of file contents in core
find (1)
search for files in a directory hierarchy
findfs (8)
find a filesystem by label or UUID
flock (2)
apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file
flockfile (3)
lock FILE for stdio
floor (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
floorf (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
floorl (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
fmemopen (3)
open memory as stream
fmt (1)
simple optimal text formatter
fmtmsg (3)
print formatted error messages
fnmatch (3)
match filename or pathname
fork (2)
create a child process
fork (3am)
basic process management
forkpty (3)
terminal utility functions
fpathconf (3)
get configuration values for files
fprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
free (1)
Display amount of free and used memory in the system
free (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
free_hugepages (2)
allocate or free huge pages
freeaddrinfo (3)
network address and service translation
freehostent (3)
get network hostnames and addresses
readproc (3)
read information from next /proc/## entry
readproctab (3)
read information for all current processes at once
fsadm (8)
utility to resize or check filesystem on a device
fscanf (3)
input format conversion
fseeko (3)
seek to or report file position
fstab (5)
static information about the filesystems
fsync (2)
synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
ftello (3)
seek to or report file position
ftrylockfile (3)
lock FILE for stdio
funlockfile (3)
lock FILE for stdio
mount.fuse (8)
format and options for the fuse file systems
fuser (1)
identify processes using files or sockets
futimesat (2)
change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
fwide (3)
set and determine the orientation of a FILE stream
fwprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
fwupdate (1)
Debugging utility for UEFI firmware updates
fwupdtpmevlog (1)
Debugging utility for the TPM event log
gai_cancel (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
gai_error (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
gai_strerror (3)
network address and service translation
gai_suspend (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
gdbus (1)
Tool for working with D-Bus objects
gdisk (8)
Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
generic (5)
Postfix generic table format
geqn (1)
format equations for troff or MathML
getcwd (2)
get current working directory
get_current_dir_name (3)
get current working directory
get_kernel_syms (2)
retrieve exported kernel and module symbols
get_mempolicy (2)
retrieve NUMA memory policy for a thread
get_myaddress (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
get_nprocs (3)
get number of processors
get_nprocs_conf (3)
get number of processors
get_thread_area (2)
manipulate thread-local storage information
getaddrinfo (3)
network address and service translation
getaddrinfo_a (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
getauxval (3)
retrieve a value from the auxiliary vector
getcontext (2)
get or set the user context
getcontext (3)
get or set the user context
getcwd (3)
get current working directory
getdents (2)
get directory entries
getdents64 (2)
get directory entries
getdirentries (3)
get directory entries in a filesystem-independent format
getdtablesize (2)
get file descriptor table size
getdtablesize (3)
get file descriptor table size
gethostbyaddr (3)
get network host entry
gethostbyaddr_r (3)
get network host entry
gethostbyname (3)
get network host entry
gethostbyname2 (3)
get network host entry
gethostbyname2_r (3)
get network host entry
gethostbyname_r (3)
get network host entry
gethostent (3)
get network host entry
gethostent_r (3)
get network host entry
gethostid (2)
get or set the unique identifier of the current host
gethostid (3)
get or set the unique identifier of the current host
getipnodebyaddr (3)
get network hostnames and addresses
getipnodebyname (3)
get network hostnames and addresses
getitimer (2)
get or set value of an interval timer
getmntent (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
getmntent_r (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
getnetbyaddr (3)
get network entry
getnetbyaddr_r (3)
get network entry (reentrant)
getnetbyname (3)
get network entry
getnetbyname_r (3)
get network entry (reentrant)
getnetent (3)
get network entry
getnetent_r (3)
get network entry (reentrant)
getnetgrent (3)
handle network group entries
getnetgrent_r (3)
handle network group entries
getpagesize (2)
get memory page size
getpass (3)
get a password
getpriority (2)
get/set program scheduling priority
getpw (3)
reconstruct password line entry
getpwent (3)
get password file entry
getpwnam (3)
get password file entry
getpwnam_r (3)
get password file entry
getpwuid (3)
get password file entry
getpwuid_r (3)
get password file entry
getrpcport (3)
get RPC port number
getservbyport (3)
get service entry
getservbyport_r (3)
get service entry (reentrant)
getspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
getspent_r (3)
get shadow password file entry
getspnam (3)
get shadow password file entry
getspnam_r (3)
get shadow password file entry
getw (3)
input and output of words (ints)
getwd (3)
get current working directory
git-annotate (1)
Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply (1)
Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-blame (1)
Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-branch (1)
List, create, or delete branches
git-cat-file (1)
Provide content or type and size information for repos...
git-check-attr (1)
Display gitattributes information
git-check-ignore (1)
Debug gitignore / exclude files
git-check-ref-format (1)
Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-checkout (1)
Switch branches or restore working tree files
git-checkout-index (1)
Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-clean (1)
Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-clone (1)
Clone a repository into a new directory
git-commit (1)
Record changes to the repository
git-config (1)
Get and set repository or global options
git-credential (1)
Retrieve and store user credentials
git-credential-cache (1)
Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-credential-cache--daemon (1)
Temporarily store user credentials in memory
git-credential-store (1)
Helper to store credentials on disk
git-daemon (1)
A really simple server for Git repositories
git-diff (1)
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree,...
git-diff-files (1)
Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff-index (1)
Compare a tree to the working tree or index
git-fast-export (1)
Git data exporter
git-fast-import (1)
Backend for fast Git data importers
git-fetch (1)
Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack (1)
Receive missing objects from another repository
git-for-each-ref (1)
Output information on each ref
git-format-patch (1)
Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-help (1)
Display help information about Git
git-http-fetch (1)
Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
git-http-push (1)
Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-index-pack (1)
Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-init (1)
Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an exis...
git-init-db (1)
Creates an empty Git repository
git-instaweb (1)
Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
git-interpret-trailers (1)
Add or parse structured information in commit me...
git-ls-files (1)
Show information about files in the index and the work...
git-ls-remote (1)
List references in a remote repository
git-mailinfo (1)
Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail mes...
git-merge (1)
Join two or more development histories together
git-merge-base (1)
Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-index (1)
Run a merge for files needing merging
git-mktree (1)
Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-mv (1)
Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-name-rev (1)
Find symbolic names for given revs
git-notes (1)
Add or inspect object notes
git-pack-refs (1)
Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-parse-remote (1)
Routines to help parsing remote repository access para...
git-patch-id (1)
Compute unique ID for a patch
git-pull (1)
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a ...
git-quiltimport (1)
Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-read-tree (1)
Reads tree information into the index
git-receive-pack (1)
Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-reflog (1)
Manage reflog information
git-remote (1)
Manage set of tracked repositories
git-remote-ext (1)
Bridge smart transport to external command.
git-remote-fd (1)
Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-repack (1)
Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-rerere (1)
Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-restore (1)
Restore working tree files
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-rm (1)
Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-send-pack (1)
Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-sh-i18n (1)
Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst (1)
Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-shell (1)
Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-shortlog (1)
Summarize 'git log' output
git-show-ref (1)
List references in a local repository
git-stash (1)
Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-status (1)
Show the working tree status
git-submodule (1)
Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-subtree (1)
Merge subtrees together and split repository into subt...
git-tag (1)
Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-unpack-file (1)
Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-update-index (1)
Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-ref (1)
Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-worktree (1)
Manage multiple working trees
gitcore-tutorial (7)
A Git core tutorial for developers
gitcredentials (7)
providing usernames and passwords to Git
gitcvs-migration (7)
Git for CVS users
gitdiffcore (7)
Tweaking diff output
giteveryday (7)
A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git
gitignore (5)
Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
gitolite (1)
gatekeeper for git repositories
gitremote-helpers (7)
Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
gitrepository-layout (5)
Git Repository Layout
gitrevisions (7)
Specifying revisions and ranges for Git
gitsubmodules (7)
Mounting one repository inside another
gittutorial (7)
A tutorial introduction to Git
gittutorial-2 (7)
A tutorial introduction to Git: part two
gitweb (1)
Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)
gitworkflows (7)
An overview of recommended workflows with Git
glob (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
globfree (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
gmtime (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gnu_dev_major (3)
manage a device number
gnu_dev_minor (3)
manage a device number
gpg-agent (1)
Secret key management for GnuPG
gpg-wks-client (1)
Client for the Web Key Service
gpg-zip (1)
encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpgconf (1)
Modify .gnupg home directories
gpgparsemail (1)
Parse a mail message into an annotated format
gpgtar (1)
Encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpic (1)
compile pictures for troff or TeX
groff (1)
front-end for the groff document formatting system
grog (1)
guess options for a following groff command
grops (1)
PostScript driver for groff
grotty (1)
groff driver for typewriter-like devices
group.conf (5)
configuration file for the pam_group module
grpconv (8)
convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv (8)
convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grub-fstest (1)
debug tool for GRUB filesystem drivers
grub-glue-efi (1)
generate a fat binary for EFI
grub-macbless (8)
bless a mac file/directory
grub-menulst2cfg (1)
transform legacy menu.lst into grub.cfg
grub-mknetdir (1)
prepare a GRUB netboot directory.
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1)
generate hashed password for GRUB
grub-mount (1)
export GRUB filesystem with FUSE
grub-probe (8)
probe device information for GRUB
grub-reboot (8)
set the default boot entry for GRUB, for the next boot...
grub-render-label (1)
generate a .disk_label for Apple Macs.
grub-script-check (1)
check grub.cfg for syntax errors
grub-set-default (8)
set the saved default boot entry for GRUB
grub-syslinux2cfg (1)
transform syslinux config into grub.cfg
gtbl (1)
format tables for troff
gunzip (1)
compress or expand files
gzip (1)
compress or expand files
h_errno (3)
get network host entry
halt (8)
Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
hasmntopt (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
hdparm.conf (5)
Debian configuration file for hdparm
helpztags (1)
generate the help tags file for directory
herror (3)
get network host entry
history (3readline)
GNU History Library
hostid (1)
print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname (1)
show or set the system's host name
hosts (5)
static table lookup for hostnames
hosts.allow (5)
format of host access control files
hosts.deny (5)
format of host access control files
hosts_access (5)
format of host access control files
hstrerror (3)
get network host entry
htdbm (1)
Manipulate DBM password databases
htdigest (1)
manage user files for digest authentication
HTML::Element (3pm)
Class for objects that represent HTML elements
HTML::Entities (3pm)
Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
HTML::Form (3pm)
Class that represents an HTML form element
HTML::FormatMarkdown (3pm)
Format HTML as Markdown
HTML::FormatPS (3pm)
Format HTML as PostScript
HTML::FormatRTF (3pm)
Format HTML as RTF
HTML::Formatter (3pm)
Base class for HTML formatters
HTML::FormatText (3pm)
Format HTML as plaintext
HTML::LinkExtor (3pm)
Extract links from an HTML document
HTML::Tree::AboutObjects (3pm)
- article: "User's View of Object-Oriented M...
htonl (3)
convert values between host and network byte order
htons (3)
convert values between host and network byte order
htpasswd (1)
Manage user files for basic authentication
HTTP::Config (3pm)
Configuration for request and response objects
httxt2dbm (1)
Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
i386 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
iconv (3)
perform character set conversion
iconv_close (3)
deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)
allocate descriptor for character set conversion
if_freenameindex (3)
get network interface names and indexes
if_indextoname (3)
mappings between network interface names and indexes
if_nameindex (3)
get network interface names and indexes
if_nametoindex (3)
mappings between network interface names and indexes
ifconfig (8)
configure a network interface
inb (2)
port I/O
inb_p (2)
port I/O
inet_net_ntop (3)
Internet network number conversion
inet_net_pton (3)
Internet network number conversion
inet_network (3)
Internet address manipulation routines
inet_ntop (3)
convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form
inet_pton (3)
convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form
infocmp (1)
compare or print out terminfo descriptions
init-d-script (5)
interpreter for short and simple init.d scripts
initramfs-tools (7)
an introduction to writing scripts for mkinitramfs
initramfs.conf (5)
configuration file for mkinitramfs
initstate (3)
random number generator
initstate_r (3)
reentrant random number generator
inl (2)
port I/O
inl_p (2)
port I/O
innetgr (3)
handle network group entries
inode (7)
file inode information
inotify (7)
monitoring filesystem events
insb (2)
port I/O
insl (2)
port I/O
insw (2)
port I/O
intro (5)
introduction to file formats and filesystems
inw (2)
port I/O
inw_p (2)
port I/O
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils (3pm)
- loading, storing, creating certificates and ...
io_submit (2)
submit asynchronous I/O blocks for processing
ioctl_console (2)
ioctls for console terminal and virtual consoles
ioctl_iflags (2)
ioctl() operations for inode flags
ioctl_ns (2)
ioctl() operations for Linux namespaces
ioctl_tty (2)
ioctls for terminals and serial lines
ioctl_userfaultfd (2)
create a file descriptor for handling page faults in ...
ionice (1)
set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
ioperm (2)
set port input/output permissions
ioprio_get (2)
get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
ioprio_set (2)
get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
ip (8)
show / manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces...
ip-fou (8)
Foo-over-UDP receive port configuration
ip-gue (8)
Generic UDP Encapsulation receive port configuration
ip-link (8)
network device configuration
ip-monitor (8)
state monitoring
ip-netconf (8)
network configuration monitoring
ip-netns (8)
process network namespace management
ip-tcp_metrics (8)
management for TCP Metrics
ip-token (8)
tokenized interface identifier support
ip-xfrm (8)
transform configuration
ip6tables (8)
administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
ip6tables-legacy-restore (8)
iptables using old getsockopt/setsockopt-based...
ip6tables-nft-restore (8)
iptables using nftables kernel api
ip6tables-restore (8)
Restore IPv6 Tables
ip6tables-restore-translate (8)
translation tool to migrate from iptables t...
ipcs (1)
show information on IPC facilities
iptables (8)
administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
iptables-legacy-restore (8)
iptables using old getsockopt/setsockopt-based ...
iptables-nft-restore (8)
iptables using nftables kernel api
iptables-restore (8)
Restore IP Tables
iptables-restore-translate (8)
translation tool to migrate from iptables to...
iptables-xml (1)
Convert iptables-save format to XML
irqbalance (1)
distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a ...
irqbalance-ui (1)
user interface for irqbalance
iruserok (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
iruserok_af (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
isatty (3)
test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
iscsi-iname (8)
iSCSI initiator name generation tool
isfdtype (3)
test file type of a file descriptor
isgreater (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreaterequal (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isless (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessequal (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessgreater (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isnormal (3)
floating-point classification macros
isunordered (3)
floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
iswalnum (3)
test for alphanumeric wide character
iswalpha (3)
test for alphabetic wide character
iswblank (3)
test for whitespace wide character
iswcntrl (3)
test for control wide character
iswdigit (3)
test for decimal digit wide character
iswgraph (3)
test for graphic wide character
iswlower (3)
test for lowercase wide character
iswprint (3)
test for printing wide character
iswpunct (3)
test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
iswspace (3)
test for whitespace wide character
iswupper (3)
test for uppercase wide character
iswxdigit (3)
test for hexadecimal digit wide character
jrand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
JSON::backportPP (3pm)
JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
JSON::backportPP::Boolean (3pm)
dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
JSON::backportPP::Compat5005 (3pm)
Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl ...
JSON::backportPP::Compat5006 (3pm)
Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6
JSON::XS (3pm)
JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
kbd_mode (1)
report or set the keyboard mode
kbdinfo (1)
obtain information about the status of a console
kbxutil (1)
List, export, import Keybox data
kexec_file_load (2)
load a new kernel for later execution
kexec_load (2)
load a new kernel for later execution
keymaps (5)
keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
syslog (2)
read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set cons...
klogctl (3)
read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set cons...
kmem (4)
system memory, kernel memory and system ports
lastlog (8)
reports the most recent login of all users or of a giv...
lcf (1)
Determine which of the historical versions of a config...
lckpwdf (3)
get shadow password file entry
lcong48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
less (1)
opposite of more
lessfile (1)
"input preprocessor" for less.
lesskey (1)
specify key bindings for less
lesspipe (1)
"input preprocessor" for less.
lexgrog (1)
parse header information in man pages
libmaxminddb (3)
a library for working with MaxMind DB files
libnetlink (3)
A library for accessing the netlink service (8)
Provide UNIX user and group name resolution for use...
libwww::lwptut (3pm)
- An LWP Tutorial
lighttpd-angel (8)
monitor/supervise lighttpd daemon
lighttpd-disable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd-enable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-disable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-enable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
limits.conf (5)
configuration file for the pam_limits module
link (2)
make a new name for a file
linkat (2)
make a new name for a file
linux32 (1)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (1)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linked ...
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linke...
listen (2)
listen for connections on a socket
lnstat (8)
unified linux network statistics
loader.conf (5)
Configuration file for systemd-boot
locale (1)
get locale-specific information
locale (7)
description of multilanguage support
locale.conf (5)
Configuration file for locale settings
locale.gen (5)
Configuration file for locale-gen
localeconv (3)
get numeric formatting information
localtime (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
lockf (3)
apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an open file
login.defs (5)
shadow password suite configuration
longjmp (3)
performing a nonlocal goto
lookup_dcookie (2)
return a directory entry's path
lorder (1)
list dependencies for object files
lrand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
ls (1)
list directory contents
lsb_release (1)
print distribution-specific information
lscpu (1)
display information about the CPU architecture
lsipc (1)
show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lslogins (1)
display information about known users in the system
lsmem (1)
list the ranges of available memory with their online ...
ltrace.conf (5)
Configuration file for ltrace(1).
luksformat (8)
Create and format an encrypted LUKS device
lvdisplay (8)
Display information about a logical volume
lvm-config (8)
Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm-dumpconfig (8)
Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm-fullreport (8)
(unknown subject)
lvm.conf (5)
Configuration file for LVM2
lvm2-activation-generator (8)
generator for systemd units to activate LVM v...
lvmconfig (8)
Display and manipulate configuration information
lvmdump (8)
create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
lvmreport (7)
LVM reporting and related features
lvmsadc (8)
LVM system activity data collector
lvmsar (8)
LVM system activity reporter
lvmvdo (7)
EXPERIMENTAL LVM Virtual Data Optimizer support
lvs (8)
Display information about logical volumes
LWP (3pm)
The World-Wide Web library for Perl
lwp-dump (1p)
See what headers and content is returned for a URL
lwp-mirror (1p)
Simple mirror utility
LWP::Authen::Ntlm (3pm)
Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft...
LWP::MediaTypes (3pm)
guess media type for a file or a URL
LWP::Protocol (3pm)
Base class for LWP protocols
LWP::Protocol::https (3pm)
Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
LWP::RobotUA (3pm)
a class for well-behaved Web robots
lz4 (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lz4c (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lz4cat (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lzcat (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzegrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzless (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
lzma (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzmainfo (1)
show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzmore (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
mac-vendor (5)
Ethernet vendor file for arp-scan
machine-info (5)
Local machine information file
madvise (2)
give advice about use of memory
Mail::Field (3pm)
base-class for manipulation of mail header fields
Mail::Field::Generic (3pm)
implementation for inspecific fields
major (3)
manage a device number
make-ssl-cert (8)
Debconf wrapper for openssl
mallinfo (3)
obtain memory allocation information
malloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
malloc_get_state (3)
record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_info (3)
export malloc state to a stream
malloc_set_state (3)
record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_stats (3)
print memory allocation statistics
malloc_trim (3)
release free memory from the heap
malloc_usable_size (3)
obtain size of block of memory allocated from heap
mallopt (3)
set memory allocation parameters
man (7)
macros to format man pages
man-pages (7)
conventions for writing Linux man pages
mandb (8)
create or update the manual page index caches
manifest (1)
import or export a package list
manpath (1)
determine search path for manual pages
manpath (5)
format of the /etc/manpath.config file
master (5)
Postfix master process configuration file format
math_error (7)
detecting errors from mathematical functions
mbind (2)
set memory policy for a memory range
mbox (5)
Format for mail message storage.
mbsinit (3)
test for initial shift state
mcookie (1)
generate magic cookies for xauth
mdadm.conf (5)
configuration for management of Software RAID with mdadm
mdmon (8)
monitor MD external metadata arrays
mem (4)
system memory, kernel memory and system ports
memalign (3)
allocate aligned memory
membarrier (2)
issue memory barriers on a set of threads
memccpy (3)
copy memory area
memchr (3)
scan memory for a character
memcmp (3)
compare memory areas
memcpy (3)
copy memory area
memfrob (3)
frobnicate (encrypt) a memory area
memmove (3)
copy memory area
mempcpy (3)
copy memory area
memrchr (3)
scan memory for a character
memset (3)
fill memory with a constant byte
memusage (1)
profile memory usage of a program
memusagestat (1)
generate graphic from memory profiling data
mesg (1)
display (or do not display) messages from other users
mincore (2)
determine whether pages are resident in memory
minor (3)
manage a device number
tc-mirred (8)
mirror/redirect action
mkdir (1)
make directories
mkdir (2)
create a directory
mkdirat (2)
create a directory
mkdtemp (3)
create a unique temporary directory
mke2fs.conf (5)
Configuration file for mke2fs
mkhomedir_helper (8)
Helper binary that creates home directories
mkinitramfs (8)
low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
mklost+found (8)
create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux secon...
mknod (1)
make block or character special files
mknod (2)
create a special or ordinary file
mknodat (2)
create a special or ordinary file
mkostemp (3)
create a unique temporary file
mkostemps (3)
create a unique temporary file
mkstemp (3)
create a unique temporary file
mkstemps (3)
create a unique temporary file
mktemp (1)
create a temporary file or directory
mktemp (3)
make a unique temporary filename
mktime (3)
transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
mlock (2)
lock and unlock memory
mlock2 (2)
lock and unlock memory
mlockall (2)
lock and unlock memory
mmap (2)
map or unmap files or devices into memory
mmap2 (2)
map files or devices into memory
mmap64 (3)
map or unmap files or devices into memory
modify_ldt (2)
get or set a per-process LDT entry
modinfo (8)
Show information about a Linux Kernel module
modprobe.d (5)
Configuration directory for modprobe
modules.dep (5)
Module dependency information
modules.dep.bin (5)
Module dependency information
more (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing
mountpoint (1)
see if a directory or file is a mountpoint
mpool (3)
shared memory buffer pool
mprotect (2)
set protection on a region of memory
mq_close (3)
close a message queue descriptor
mq_notify (2)
register for notification when a message is available
mq_notify (3)
register for notification when a message is available
tc-mqprio (8)
Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware QOS)
mrand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
mremap (2)
remap a virtual memory address
msync (2)
synchronize a file with a memory map
mtr (8)
a network diagnostic tool
mtr-packet (8)
send and receive network probes
munlock (2)
lock and unlock memory
munlockall (2)
lock and unlock memory
munmap (2)
map or unmap files or devices into memory
muttrc (5)
Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
name_to_handle_at (2)
obtain handle for a pathname and open file via a handle
named-checkzone (1)
zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-compilezone (1)
zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-journalprint (1)
print zone journal in human-readable form
named-nzd2nzf (1)
convert an NZD database to NZF text format
named-rrchecker (1)
syntax checker for individual DNS resource records
named.conf (5)
configuration file for **named**
nameif (8)
name network interfaces based on MAC addresses
nano (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
nanorc (5)
GNU nano's configuration file
neqn (1)
format equations for ASCII output
Net::SMTP::SSL (3pm)
SSL support for Net::SMTP
Net::SSLeay (3pm)
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
netdevice (7)
low-level access to Linux network devices
tc-netem (8)
Network Emulator
netkit-netrc (5)
user configuration for ftp
netplan (5)
YAML network configuration abstraction for various bac...
netrc (5)
user configuration for ftp
netstat (8)
Print network connections, routing tables, interface s...
network_namespaces (7)
overview of Linux network namespaces
networkctl (1)
Query the status of network links
networkd-dispatcher (8)
Dispatcher service for systemd-networkd connection ...
networkd.conf (5)
Global Network configuration files
networkd.conf.d (5)
Global Network configuration files
networks (5)
network name information
ngettext (1)
translate message and choose plural form
ngettext (3)
translate message and choose plural form
nice (1)
run a program with modified scheduling priority
nice (2)
change process priority
nisdomainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
nl_langinfo (3)
query language and locale information
nl_langinfo_l (3)
query language and locale information
nrand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
nroff (1)
use groff to format documents for TTY devices
nseq (1ssl)
create or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
nss-systemd (8)
Provide UNIX user and group name resolution for user/g...
nstat (8)
network statistics tools.
ntfsclone (8)
Efficiently clone, image, restore or rescue an NTFS
ntfsdecrypt (8)
decrypt or update NTFS files encrypted according to EFS
ntfsfix (8)
fix common errors and force Windows to check NTFS
ntfsls (8)
list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
ntfsprogs (8)
tools for doing neat things with NTFS
ntohl (3)
convert values between host and network byte order
ntohs (3)
convert values between host and network byte order
numa (7)
overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
numa_maps (5)
overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
objdump (1)
display information from object files
od (1)
dump files in octal and other formats
oldolduname (2)
get name and information about current kernel
olduname (2)
get name and information about current kernel
on_exit (3)
register a function to be called at normal process ter...
open_by_handle_at (2)
obtain handle for a pathname and open file via a handle
open_memstream (3)
open a dynamic memory buffer stream
open_wmemstream (3)
open a dynamic memory buffer stream
opendir (3)
open a directory
openssl-dgst (1ssl)
perform digest operations
openssl-errstr (1ssl)
lookup error codes
openssl-list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
openssl-nseq (1ssl)
create or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
openssl-passwd (1ssl)
compute password hashes
openssl-pkcs8 (1ssl)
PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
openssl-pkey (1ssl)
public or private key processing tool
openssl-pkeyparam (1ssl)
public key algorithm parameter processing tool
openssl-pkeyutl (1ssl)
public key algorithm utility
openssl-s_time (1ssl)
SSL/TLS performance timing program
openssl-speed (1ssl)
test library performance
openssl-srp (1ssl)
maintain SRP password file
openssl-storeutl (1ssl)
STORE utility
openssl-ts (1ssl)
Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
openssl-version (1ssl)
print OpenSSL version information
operator (7)
C operator precedence and order of evaluation
ordchr (3am)
convert characters to strings and vice versa
ossl_store (7ssl)
Store retrieval functions
ossl_store-file (7ssl)
The store 'file' scheme loader
outb (2)
port I/O
outb_p (2)
port I/O
outl (2)
port I/O
outl_p (2)
port I/O
outsb (2)
port I/O
outsl (2)
port I/O
outsw (2)
port I/O
outw (2)
port I/O
outw_p (2)
port I/O
pager (1)
opposite of more
pam (7)
Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
pam_access (8)
PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_echo (8)
PAM module for printing text messages
pam_extrausers (8)
Module for libnss-extrausers authentication
pam_ftp (8)
PAM module for anonymous access module
pam_group (8)
PAM module for group access
pam_lastlog (8)
PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pam_listfile (8)
deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
pam_loginuid (8)
Record user's login uid to the process attribute
pam_mail (8)
Inform about available mail
pam_mkhomedir (8)
PAM module to create users home directory
pam_namespace (8)
PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pam_pwhistory (8)
PAM module to remember last passwords
pam_shells (8)
PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_time (8)
PAM module for time control access
pam_tty_audit (8)
Enable or disable TTY auditing for specified users
pam_unix (8)
Module for traditional password authentication
pam_xauth (8)
PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
partprobe (8)
inform the OS of partition table changes
passwd (1)
change user password
passwd (1ssl)
compute password hashes
passwd (5)
the password file
passwd2des (3)
RFS password encryption
patch (1)
apply a diff file to an original
pathchk (1)
check whether file names are valid or portable
pathconf (3)
get configuration values for files
pause (2)
wait for signal
pciconfig_iobase (2)
pci device information handling
pciconfig_read (2)
pci device information handling
pciconfig_write (2)
pci device information handling
pcilib (7)
a library for accessing PCI devices
pclose (3)
pipe stream to or from a process
tc-pedit (8)
generic packet editor action
peekfd (1)
peek at file descriptors of running processes
perf_event_open (2)
set up performance monitoring
perfmonctl (2)
interface to IA-64 performance monitoring unit
perlbug (1)
how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlthanks (1)
how to submit bug reports on Perl
perror (3)
print a system error message
pgrep (1)
look up or signal processes based on name and other at...
pic (1)
compile pictures for troff or TeX
pico (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
pidfd_open (2)
obtain a file descriptor that refers to a process
tc-pie (8)
Proportional Integral controller-Enhanced AQM algorithm
pinentry (1)
PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-curses (1)
PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
ping (8)
send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
ping4 (8)
send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
ping6 (8)
send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
pkcheck (1)
Check whether a process is authorized
pkcs8 (1ssl)
PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkey (1ssl)
public or private key processing tool
pkey_alloc (2)
allocate or free a protection key
pkey_free (2)
allocate or free a protection key
pkey_mprotect (2)
set protection on a region of memory
pkeyparam (1ssl)
public key algorithm parameter processing tool
pkeys (7)
overview of Memory Protection Keys
pkeyutl (1ssl)
public key algorithm utility
pkill (1)
look up or signal processes based on name and other at...
pklocalauthority (8)
PolicyKit Local Authority
pmap (1)
report memory map of a process
pmap_getmaps (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_getport (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_rmtcall (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_set (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_unset (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
pod2man (1)
Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2text (1)
Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
podchecker (1)
check the syntax of POD format documentation files
polkit (8)
Authorization Framework
poll (2)
wait for some event on a file descriptor
popen (3)
pipe stream to or from a process
port (4)
system memory, kernel memory and system ports
posix_fadvise (2)
predeclare an access pattern for file data
posix_madvise (3)
give advice about patterns of memory usage
posix_memalign (3)
allocate aligned memory
posttls-finger (1)
Probe the TLS properties of an ESMTP or LMTP server.
poweroff (8)
Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
ppoll (2)
wait for some event on a file descriptor
pr (1)
convert text files for printing
pread (2)
read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pread64 (2)
read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
preadv (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
preadv2 (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
precedence (7)
C operator precedence and order of evaluation
printenv (1)
print all or part of environment
printf (1)
format and print data
printf (3)
formatted output conversion
tc-prio (8)
Priority qdisc
proc (5)
process information pseudo-filesystem
procfs (5)
process information pseudo-filesystem
procps (1)
report a snapshot of the current processes.
program_invocation_short_name (3)
obtain name used to invoke calling program
ps (1)
report a snapshot of the current processes.
psfxtable (1)
handle Unicode character tables for console fonts
pslog (1)
report current logs path of a process
pstore.conf (5)
PStore configuration file
pstore.conf.d (5)
PStore configuration file
pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-u...
pthread_getattr_default_np (3)
get or set default thread-creation attributes
pthread_setattr_default_np (3)
get or set default thread-creation attributes
pthread_setschedprio (3)
set scheduling priority of a thread
pthread_spin_destroy (3)
initialize or destroy a spin lock
pthread_spin_init (3)
initialize or destroy a spin lock
pthread_yield (3)
yield the processor
pure-authd (8)
External authentication agent for Pure-FTPd.
pure-certd (8)
TLS certificate agent for Pure-FTPd.
pure-ftpd-control (8)
invokes init script for installed Pure-FTPd flavour
pure-ftpwho (8)
Report current FTP sessions
pure-mrtginfo (8)
provide an MRTG-graphable user count for ftpd
pure-pw (8)
Manage virtual users files for Pure-FTPd
pure-quotacheck (8)
Update virtual quota files for Pure-FTPd
putenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
putpwent (3)
write a password file entry
putspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
putw (3)
input and output of words (ints)
pvalloc (3)
allocate aligned memory
pvcreate (8)
Initialize physical volume(s) for use by LVM
pvs (8)
Display information about physical volumes
pwck (8)
verify integrity of password files
pwconv (8)
convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwd (1)
print name of current/working directory
pwdx (1)
report current working directory of a process
pwrite (2)
read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwrite64 (2)
read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwritev (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
pwritev2 (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
pwunconv (8)
convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
py3versions (1)
print python3 version information
python3.8 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
pyversions (1)
print python version information
qmqp-source (1)
parallelized QMQP test generator
qsort (3)
sort an array
qsort_r (3)
sort an array
query_module (2)
query the kernel for various bits pertaining to modules
rand (3)
pseudo-random number generator
RAND_DRBG (7ssl)
the deterministic random bit generator
rand_r (3)
pseudo-random number generator
random (3)
random number generator
random (7)
overview of interfaces for obtaining randomness
random_r (3)
reentrant random number generator
rawmemchr (3)
scan memory for a character
rcmd (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rcmd_af (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
re_format (7)
POSIX.2 regular expressions
read (2)
read from a file descriptor
readdir (2)
read directory entry
readdir (3)
read a directory
readdir (3am)
directory input parser for gawk
readdir_r (3)
read a directory
readelf (1)
display information about ELF files
readlink (1)
print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
readprofile (8)
read kernel profiling information
readv (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
realloc (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
reallocarray (3)
allocate and free dynamic memory
reboot (2)
reboot or enable/disable Ctrl-Alt-Del
reboot (8)
Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
recno (3)
record number database access method
red (1)
line-oriented text editor
regdbdump (8)
parse and print out regulatory rules file
regerror (3)
POSIX regex functions
regexp_table (5)
format of Postfix regular expression tables
registerrpc (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
regulatory.bin (5)
The Linux wireless regulatory database
regulatory.db (5)
The Linux wireless regulatory database
relocated (5)
Postfix relocated table format
remove (3)
remove a file or directory
rename (2)
change the name or location of a file
renameat (2)
change the name or location of a file
renameat2 (2)
change the name or location of a file
renice (1)
alter priority of running processes
resolved.conf (5)
Network Name Resolution configuration files
resolved.conf.d (5)
Network Name Resolution configuration files
revtwoway (3am)
Reverse strings sample two-way processor extension
rewinddir (3)
reset directory stream
rm (1)
remove files or directories
rmdir (1)
remove empty directories
rmdir (2)
delete a directory
routel (8)
list routes with pretty output format
rpc (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
rresvport (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rresvport_af (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
RSA-PSS (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY RSA-PSS algorithm support
rsyncd.conf (5)
configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rt_sigsuspend (2)
wait for a signal
rt_sigtimedwait (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
rtacct (8)
network statistics tools.
rtld-audit (7)
auditing API for the dynamic linker
rtmon (8)
listens to and monitors RTnetlink
rtstat (8)
unified linux network statistics
run-parts (8)
run scripts or programs in a directory
ruserok (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
ruserok_af (3)
routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rview (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
rvim (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
s390_guarded_storage (2)
operations with z/Architecture guarded storage fac...
s390_pci_mmio_read (2)
transfer data to/from PCI MMIO memory page
s390_pci_mmio_write (2)
transfer data to/from PCI MMIO memory page
s_time (1ssl)
SSL/TLS performance timing program
scandir (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
scandirat (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
scanf (3)
input format conversion
sched_get_priority_max (2)
get static priority range
sched_get_priority_min (2)
get static priority range
sched_rr_get_interval (2)
get the SCHED_RR interval for the named process
sched_yield (2)
yield the processor
scr_dump (5)
format of curses screen-dumps.
scriptreplay (1)
play back typescripts, using timing information
scrypt (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support
scsi_logging_level (8)
access Linux SCSI logging level information
scsi_mandat (8)
check SCSI device support for mandatory commands
scsi_satl (8)
check SCSI to ATA Translation (SAT) device support
scsi_start (8)
start one or more SCSI disks
scsi_stop (8)
stop (spin down) one or more SCSI disks
sd (4)
driver for SCSI disk drives
sed (1)
stream editor for filtering and transforming text
seed48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
select-editor (1)
select your default sensible-editor from all installed...
sem_close (3)
close a named semaphore
sem_destroy (3)
destroy an unnamed semaphore
sem_getvalue (3)
get the value of a semaphore
sem_init (3)
initialize an unnamed semaphore
sem_open (3)
initialize and open a named semaphore
sem_overview (7)
overview of POSIX semaphores
sem_post (3)
unlock a semaphore
sem_timedwait (3)
lock a semaphore
sem_trywait (3)
lock a semaphore
sem_unlink (3)
remove a named semaphore
sem_wait (3)
lock a semaphore
semanage.conf (5)
global configuration file for the SELinux Management l...
semctl (2)
System V semaphore control operations
semget (2)
get a System V semaphore set identifier
semop (2)
System V semaphore operations
semtimedop (2)
System V semaphore operations
sendfile (2)
transfer data between file descriptors
sendfile64 (2)
transfer data between file descriptors
sensible-editor (1)
sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sepermit.conf (5)
configuration file for the pam_sepermit module
services (5)
Internet network services list
set_mempolicy (2)
set default NUMA memory policy for a thread and its ch...
set_thread_area (2)
manipulate thread-local storage information
setarch (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setcontext (2)
get or set the user context
setcontext (3)
get or set the user context
setegid (2)
set effective user or group ID
setenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
seteuid (2)
set effective user or group ID
setfsgid (2)
set group identity used for filesystem checks
setfsgid32 (2)
set group identity used for filesystem checks
setfsuid (2)
set user identity used for filesystem checks
setfsuid32 (2)
set user identity used for filesystem checks
sethostent (3)
get network host entry
sethostid (2)
get or set the unique identifier of the current host
sethostid (3)
get or set the unique identifier of the current host
setitimer (2)
get or set value of an interval timer
setjmp (3)
performing a nonlocal goto
setlogmask (3)
set log priority mask
setmntent (3)
get filesystem descriptor file entry
setnetent (3)
get network entry
setnetgrent (3)
handle network group entries
setpriority (2)
get/set program scheduling priority
setpwent (3)
get password file entry
setregid (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setregid32 (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setresgid (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresgid32 (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid32 (2)
set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setreuid (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setreuid32 (2)
set real and/or effective user or group ID
setspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
setstate (3)
random number generator
setstate_r (3)
reentrant random number generator
setvesablank (8)
Turn VESA screen blanking on or off
setvtrgb (1)
customize the console color map
setvtrgb (8)
set the virtual terminal RGB colors
sfdisk (8)
display or manipulate a disk partition table
sg3_utils (8)
a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands
sg_format (8)
format, resize a SCSI disk or format a tape
sg_get_lba_status (8)
send SCSI GET LBA STATUS(16 or 32) command
sg_ident (8)
sg_inq (8)
issue SCSI INQUIRY command and/or decode its response
sg_luns (8)
send SCSI REPORT LUNS command or decode given LUN
sg_map26 (8)
map SCSI generic (sg) device to corresponding device n...
sg_opcodes (8)
report supported SCSI commands or task management func...
sg_rdac (8)
display or modify SCSI RDAC Redundant Controller mode ...
sg_referrals (8)
sg_rep_zones (8)
send SCSI REPORT ZONES command
sg_requests (8)
send one or more SCSI REQUEST SENSE commands
sg_reset (8)
sends SCSI device, target, bus or host reset; or check...
sg_rtpg (8)
sg_scan (8)
scans sg devices (or SCSI/ATAPI/ATA devices) and print...
sg_seek (8)
send SCSI SEEK, PRE-FETCH(10) or PRE-FETCH(16) command
sg_senddiag (8)
performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command
sg_stpg (8)
sg_stream_ctl (8)
sg_timestamp (8)
report or set timestamp on SCSI device
sg_turs (8)
send one or more SCSI TEST UNIT READY commands
sg_vpd (8)
fetch SCSI VPD page and/or decode its response
sg_write_x (8)
sg_zone (8)
sgdisk (8)
Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator fo...
sgetspent (3)
get shadow password file entry
sgetspent_r (3)
get shadow password file entry
sginfo (8)
access mode page information for a SCSI (or ATAPI) device
shadow (5)
shadowed password file
shasum (1)
Print or Check SHA Checksums
shm_open (3)
create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shm_overview (7)
overview of POSIX shared memory
shm_unlink (3)
create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shmat (2)
System V shared memory operations
shmctl (2)
System V shared memory control
shmdt (2)
System V shared memory operations
shmget (2)
allocates a System V shared memory segment
shmop (2)
System V shared memory operations
shutdown (8)
Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
sigaltstack (2)
set and/or get signal stack context
sigevent (7)
structure for notification from asynchronous routines
sigignore (3)
System V signal API
siglongjmp (3)
performing a nonlocal goto
signalfd (2)
create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4 (2)
create a file descriptor for accepting signals
sigorset (3)
POSIX signal set operations
sigpause (3)
atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigsetjmp (3)
performing a nonlocal goto
sigstack (3)
set and/or get signal stack context
sigsuspend (2)
wait for a signal
sigtimedwait (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
sigwait (3)
wait for a signal
sigwaitinfo (2)
synchronously wait for queued signals
tc-skbmod (8)
user-friendly packet editor action
tc-skbprio (8)
SKB Priority Queue
skill (1)
send a signal or report process status
slabinfo (5)
kernel slab allocator statistics
slabtop (1)
display kernel slab cache information in real time
slattach (8)
attach a network interface to a serial line
sleep (1)
delay for a specified amount of time
sleep (3)
sleep for a specified number of seconds
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linked ...
SM2 (7ssl)
Chinese SM2 signature and encryption algorithm support
smartctl (8)
Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
smartd (8)
SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
smartd.conf (5)
SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon Configuration File
smtp-source (1)
parallelized SMTP/LMTP test generator
snap-confine (8)
internal tool for confining snappy applications
snap-discard-ns (8)
internal tool for discarding preserved namespaces of s...
snapd-env-generator (8)
internal tool to set /snap/bin to PATH
snice (1)
send a signal or report process status
snprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
sock_diag (7)
obtaining information about sockets
socket (2)
create an endpoint for communication
sort (1)
sort lines of text files
sos (1)
A unified tool for collecting system logs and other de...
sos-collector (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-report (1)
(unknown subject)
sos.conf (5)
sosreport configuration
sosreport (1)
(unknown subject)
speed (1ssl)
test library performance
sprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
sqlite (1)
A command line interface for SQLite
sqlite3 (1)
A command line interface for SQLite version 3
srand (3)
pseudo-random number generator
srand48 (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48_r (3)
generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
srandom (3)
random number generator
srandom_r (3)
reentrant random number generator
srp (1ssl)
maintain SRP password file
sscanf (3)
input format conversion
ssh-copy-id (1)
use locally available keys to authorise logins on a re...
ssh-import-id (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-gh (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-lp (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-keysign (8)
OpenSSH helper for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper (8)
OpenSSH helper for PKCS#11 support
ssh-sk-helper (8)
OpenSSH helper for FIDO authenticator support
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linked ...
stat (1)
display file or file system status
stdbuf (1)
Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for it...
storeutl (1ssl)
STORE utility
strcasecmp (3)
compare two strings ignoring case
strerror (3)
return string describing error number
strerror_l (3)
return string describing error number
strerror_r (3)
return string describing error number
strftime (3)
format date and time
strncasecmp (3)
compare two strings ignoring case
strpbrk (3)
search a string for any of a set of bytes
strxfrm (3)
string transformation
subgid (5)
the subordinate gid file
subpage_prot (2)
define a subpage protection for an address range
subuid (5)
the subordinate uid file
sudo.conf (5)
configuration for sudo front end
sudoers_timestamp (5)
Sudoers Time Stamp Format
sudoreplay (8)
replay sudo session logs
svc_destroy (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_freeargs (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getargs (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getcaller (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreq (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreqset (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_register (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_run (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_sendreply (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_unregister (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_auth (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_decode (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noproc (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noprog (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_progvers (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_systemerr (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_weakauth (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcfd_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcraw_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svctcp_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_bufcreate (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_create (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
swaplabel (8)
print or change the label or UUID of a swap area
swapoff (8)
enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
swapon (8)
enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
swprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
symlink (2)
make a new name for a file
symlinkat (2)
make a new name for a file
sync (1)
Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage
sys_errlist (3)
print a system error message
sys_nerr (3)
print a system error message
sysconf (3)
get configuration information at run time
sysfs (2)
get filesystem type information
sysfs (5)
a filesystem for exporting kernel objects
sysinfo (2)
return system information
syslog (3)
read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set cons...
systemd-ask-password (1)
Query the user for a system password
systemd-ask-password-console.path (8)
Query the user for system passwords o...
systemd-ask-password-console.service (8)
Query the user for system password...
systemd-ask-password-wall.path (8)
Query the user for system passwords on t...
systemd-ask-password-wall.service (8)
Query the user for system passwords o...
systemd-binfmt (8)
Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
systemd-binfmt.service (8)
Configure additional binary formats for executab...
systemd-bless-boot-generator (8)
Pull systemd-bless-boot.service into the i...
systemd-cat (1)
Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-cryptsetup-generator (8)
Unit generator for /etc/crypttab
systemd-debug-generator (8)
Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell an...
systemd-environment-d-generator (8)
Load variables specified by environment.d
systemd-escape (1)
Escape strings for usage in systemd unit names
systemd-fsckd (8)
File system check progress reporting
systemd-fsckd.service (8)
File system check progress reporting
systemd-fsckd.socket (8)
File system check progress reporting
systemd-fstab-generator (8)
Unit generator for /etc/fstab
systemd-getty-generator (8)
Generator for enabling getty instances on the c...
systemd-gpt-auto-generator (8)
Generator for automatically discovering and ...
systemd-hibernate-resume-generator (8)
Unit generator for resume= kernel pa...
systemd-importd (8)
VM and container image import and export service
systemd-importd.service (8)
VM and container image import and export service
systemd-mount (1)
Establish and destroy transient mount or auto-mount po...
systemd-network-generator (8)
Generate network configuration from the kerne...
systemd-network-generator.service (8)
Generate network configuration from t...
systemd-networkd (8)
Network manager
systemd-networkd-wait-online (8)
Wait for network to come online
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service (8)
Wait for network to come online
systemd-networkd.service (8)
Network manager
systemd-pstore (8)
A service to archive contents of pstore
systemd-pstore.service (8)
A service to archive contents of pstore
systemd-rc-local-generator (8)
Compatibility generator for starting /etc/rc...
systemd-resolved (8)
Network Name Resolution manager
systemd-resolved.service (8)
Network Name Resolution manager
systemd-run-generator (8)
Generator for invoking commands specified on the ...
systemd-system-update-generator (8)
Generator for redirecting boot to offli...
systemd-sysv-generator (8)
Unit generator for SysV init scripts
systemd-timesyncd (8)
Network Time Synchronization
systemd-timesyncd.service (8)
Network Time Synchronization
systemd-tmpfiles (8)
Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary ...
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent (1)
List or process pending systemd password...
systemd-udev-settle.service (8)
Wait for all pending udev events to be handled
systemd-umount (1)
Establish and destroy transient mount or auto-mount po...
systemd-veritysetup-generator (8)
Unit generator for integrity protected bl...
systemd.environment-generator (7)
systemd environment file generators
systemd.generator (7)
systemd unit generators (5)
Network device configuration
systemd.negative (5)
DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files (7)
Network device naming schemes
systemd.netdev (5)
Virtual Network Device configuration (5)
Network configuration
systemd.positive (5)
DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-linked ...
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-li...
implementations of singly-linked lists, singly-link...
tc-taprio (8)
Time Aware Priority Shaper
taskset (1)
set or retrieve a process's CPU affinity
tbl (1)
format tables for troff
tcgetpgrp (3)
get and set terminal foreground process group
tcpd (8)
access control facility for internet services
tcpdmatch (8)
tcp wrapper oracle
tcpdump (8)
dump traffic on a network
tcsetpgrp (3)
get and set terminal foreground process group
telldir (3)
return current location in directory stream
tempfile (1)
create a temporary file in a safe manner
tempnam (3)
create a name for a temporary file
term (5)
format of compiled term file.
term (7)
conventions for naming terminal types
terminal-colors.d (5)
Configure output colorization for various utilities
Text::WrapI18N (3pm)
Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullw...
textdomain (3)
set domain for future gettext() calls
thermal-conf.xml (5)
Configuration file for thermal daemon
thin_check (8)
validates thin provisioning metadata on a device or file
thin_dump (8)
dump thin provisioning metadata from device or file to...
thin_metadata_size (8)
thin provisioning metadata device/file size calculator.
thin_restore (8)
restore thin provisioning metadata file to device or f...
thin_trim (8)
Issue discard requests for free pool space (offline to...
time (3am)
time functions for gawk
time.conf (5)
configuration file for the pam_time module
timer_getoverrun (2)
get overrun count for a POSIX per-process timer
timerfd_create (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timesyncd.conf (5)
Network Time Synchronization configuration files
timesyncd.conf.d (5)
Network Time Synchronization configuration files
timezone (3)
initialize time conversion information
tipc-bearer (8)
show or modify TIPC bearers
tipc-link (8)
show links or modify link properties
tipc-media (8)
list or modify media properties
tipc-node (8)
modify and show local node parameters or list peer nodes
tipc-peer (8)
modify peer information
tipc-socket (8)
show TIPC socket (port) information
tmpfile (3)
create a temporary file
tmpfiles.d (5)
Configuration for creation, deletion and cleaning of v...
tmpnam (3)
create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam_r (3)
create a name for a temporary file
tolower (3)
convert uppercase or lowercase
tolower_l (3)
convert uppercase or lowercase
toupper (3)
convert uppercase or lowercase
toupper_l (3)
convert uppercase or lowercase
tput (1)
initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tr (1)
translate or delete characters
trace (8postfix)
Postfix delivery status reports
tracepath (8)
traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
traceroute6 (8)
traces path to a network host
traceroute6.iputils (8)
traces path to a network host
transport (5)
Postfix transport table format
troff (1)
the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
truncate (1)
shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
try-from (8)
test program for the tcp_wrapper
ts (1ssl)
Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
tsort (1)
perform topological sort
tty_ioctl (4)
ioctls for terminals and serial lines
Types::Serialiser (3pm)
simple data types for common serialisation formats
Types::Serialiser::Error (3pm)
dummy module for Types::Serialiser
tzfile (5)
timezone information
tzname (3)
initialize time conversion information
tzset (3)
initialize time conversion information
ubuntu-bug (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
ubuntu-distro-info (1)
provides information about Ubuntu's distributions
ucf.conf (5)
site-wide configuration file for ucf
udev.conf (5)
Configuration for device event managing daemon
udp (7)
User Datagram Protocol for IPv4
ufw (8)
program for managing a netfilter firewall
ufw-framework (8)
using the ufw framework
ulckpwdf (3)
get shadow password file entry
ulockmgr_server (1)
Lock Manager Server for FUSE filesystems
uname (1)
print system information
uname (2)
get name and information about current kernel
uncompress (1)
compress or expand files
uniq (1)
report or omit repeated lines
unix (7)
sockets for local interprocess communication
unix_chkpwd (8)
Helper binary that verifies the password of the curren...
unix_update (8)
Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unlz4 (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
unlzma (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unsetenv (3)
change or add an environment variable
unxz (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
update-grub (8)
stub for grub-mkconfig
update-grub2 (8)
stub for grub-mkconfig
update-inetd (1)
create, remove, enable or disable entry /etc/inetd.conf
update-info-dir (8)
update or create index file from all installed info fi...
update-initramfs.conf (5)
configuration file for update-initramfs
update-mime (8)
create or update MIME information
uri (7)
uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
URI::ldap (3pm)
LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI::QueryParam (3pm)
Additional query methods for URIs
URI::URL (3pm)
Uniform Resource Locators
url (7)
uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
urn (7)
uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
usbhid-dump (8)
dump USB HID device report descriptors and streams
uselocale (3)
set/get the locale for the calling thread
user-dirs.conf (5)
configuration for xdg-user-dirs-update
user-dirs.defaults (5)
default settings for XDG user dirs
user-dirs.dirs (5)
settings for XDG user dirs
useradd (8)
create a new user or update default new user information
userfaultfd (2)
create a file descriptor for handling page faults in u...
usleep (3)
suspend execution for microsecond intervals
utmp (5)
login records
utmpdump (1)
dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format
utmpx (5)
login records
valloc (3)
allocate aligned memory
vcs (4)
virtual console memory
vcsa (4)
virtual console memory
vcstime (8)
Show time in upper right hand corner of the console sc...
vdir (1)
list directory contents
vdprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
verr (3)
formatted error messages
verrx (3)
formatted error messages
version (1ssl)
print OpenSSL version information
versionsort (3)
scan a directory for matching entries
vfork (2)
create a child process and block parent
vfprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
vfscanf (3)
input format conversion
vfwprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
vgcfgrestore (8)
Restore volume group configuration
vgconvert (8)
Change volume group metadata format
vgdisplay (8)
Display volume group information
vgexport (8)
Unregister volume group(s) from the system
vgimport (8)
Register exported volume group with system
vgimportclone (8)
Import a VG from cloned PVs
vgmknodes (8)
Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev
vgs (8)
Display information about volume groups
vgscan (8)
Search for all volume groups
vgsplit (8)
Move physical volumes into a new or existing volume group
vi (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
view (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
vigr (8)
edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vim (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
vimdiff (1)
edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
vimtutor (1)
the Vim tutor
vipw (8)
edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
virtual (5)
Postfix virtual alias table format
vmstat (8)
Report virtual memory statistics
vmware-checkvm (1)
Check if running in a VM or not
vmware-xferlogs (1)
dump vm-support output to vmx logfile
vprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
vscanf (3)
input format conversion
vsnprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
vsprintf (3)
formatted output conversion
vsscanf (3)
input format conversion
vswprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
vwarn (3)
formatted error messages
vwarnx (3)
formatted error messages
vwprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
wait (2)
wait for process to change state
wait3 (2)
wait for process to change state, BSD style
wait4 (2)
wait for process to change state, BSD style
waitid (2)
wait for process to change state
waitpid (2)
wait for process to change state
warn (3)
formatted error messages
warnx (3)
formatted error messages
wc (1)
print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wcscasecmp (3)
compare two wide-character strings, ignoring case
wcscspn (3)
search a wide-character string for any of a set of wid...
wcsncasecmp (3)
compare two fixed-size wide-character strings, ignorin...
wcspbrk (3)
search a wide-character string for any of a set of wid...
wcswidth (3)
determine columns needed for a fixed-size wide-charact...
wcwidth (3)
determine columns needed for a wide character
whereis (1)
locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
wifi-status (1)
monitor the wireless interface
Win32::DBIODBC (3pm)
Win32::ODBC emulation layer for the DBI
wmempcpy (3)
copy memory area
wordexp (3)
perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordfree (3)
perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wpa_background (8)
Background information on Wi-Fi Protected Access and I...
wpa_passphrase (8)
Generate a WPA PSK from an ASCII passphrase for a SSID
wpa_supplicant.conf (5)
configuration file for wpa_supplicant
wprintf (3)
formatted wide-character output conversion
write (2)
write to a file descriptor
writev (2)
read or write data into multiple buffers
wtmp (5)
login records
X25519 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY X25519 and X448 support
X448 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY X25519 and X448 support
x509v3_config (5ssl)
X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
x86_64 (8)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
x86_64-linux-gnu-as (1)
the portable GNU assembler.
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp (1)
The C Preprocessor
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp-9 (1)
The C Preprocessor
x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump (1)
display information from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-readelf (1)
display information about ELF files
xauth (1)
X authority file utility
XCompose (5)
X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
xcrypt (3)
RFS password encryption
xdecrypt (3)
RFS password encryption
xdr (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_accepted_reply (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_array (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_authunix_parms (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_bool (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_bytes (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_callhdr (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_callmsg (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_char (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_destroy (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_double (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_enum (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_float (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_free (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_getpos (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_inline (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_int (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_long (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque_auth (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmap (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmaplist (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pointer (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_reference (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_rejected_reply (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_replymsg (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_setpos (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_short (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_string (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_char (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_int (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_long (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_short (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_union (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_vector (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_void (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdr_wrapstring (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrmem_create (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_create (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_endofrecord (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_eof (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_skiprecord (3)
library routines for external data representation
xdrstdio_create (3)
library routines for external data representation
xencrypt (3)
RFS password encryption
xfs (5)
layout, mount options, and supported file attributes f...
xfs_bmap (8)
print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_fsr (8)
filesystem reorganizer for XFS
xfs_info (8)
display XFS filesystem geometry information
xfs_mdrestore (8)
restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
xfs_ncheck (8)
generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xfs_spaceman (8)
show free space information about an XFS filesystem
xprt_register (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xprt_unregister (3)
library routines for remote procedure calls
xtables-monitor (8)
show changes to rule set and trace-events
xtables-multi (8)
xtables multi-link binary for netfilter's iptables and...
xxd (1)
make a hexdump or do the reverse.
xz (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcat (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzegrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xzmore (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
ypdomainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
zcat (1)
compress or expand files
zegrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zfgrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce (1)
force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zshroadmap (1)
informal introduction to the zsh manual The Zsh Manual...
zshzle (1)
zsh command line editor