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btrfs (5)
topics about the BTRFS filesystem (mount options, supp...
dhcp-options (5)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol options
Dpkg::BuildOptions (3perl)
parse and update build options
mount.fuse (8)
format and options for the fuse file systems
getopt (1)
parse command options (enhanced)
getopt (3)
Parse command-line options
getopt_long (3)
Parse command-line options
getopt_long_only (3)
Parse command-line options
getsockopt (2)
get and set options on sockets
git-config (1)
Get and set repository or global options
grog (1)
guess options for a following groff command
hosts_options (5)
host access control language extensions
optarg (3)
Parse command-line options
opterr (3)
Parse command-line options
optind (3)
Parse command-line options
optopt (3)
Parse command-line options
posixoptions (7)
optional parts of the POSIX standard
setsockopt (2)
get and set options on sockets
xfs (5)
layout, mount options, and supported file attributes f...
zshoptions (1)
zsh options