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bsd-write (1)
send a message to another user
byobu-ugraph (1)
helper script for notification history graphs
byobu-ulevel (1)
helper script for notification level indicators
ceil (3)
ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
ceilf (3)
ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
ceill (3)
ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
copy_file_range (2)
Copy a range of data from one file to another
deb-systemd-helper (1p)
subset of systemctl for machines not running systemd
editor (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
epoll (7)
I/O event notification facility
eventfd (2)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read (3)
create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)
create a file descriptor for event notification
false (1)
do nothing, unsuccessfully
fanotify (7)
monitoring filesystem events
fanotify_init (2)
create and initialize fanotify group
fanotify_mark (2)
add, remove, or modify an fanotify mark on a filesyste...
floor (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
floorf (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
floorl (3)
largest integral value not greater than argument
fsck.btrfs (8)
do nothing, successfully
fsck.xfs (8)
do nothing, successfully
git-annotate (1)
Annotate file lines with commit information
git-fetch (1)
Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack (1)
Receive missing objects from another repository
git-http-push (1)
Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-notes (1)
Add or inspect object notes
git-pull (1)
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a ...
git-rebase (1)
Reapply commits on top of another base tip
git-send-pack (1)
Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
gitsubmodules (7)
Mounting one repository inside another
gpgparsemail (1)
Parse a mail message into an annotated format
iconv (1)
convert text from one character encoding to another
inotify (7)
monitoring filesystem events
inotify_add_watch (2)
add a watch to an initialized inotify instance
inotify_init (2)
initialize an inotify instance
inotify_init1 (2)
initialize an inotify instance
inotify_rm_watch (2)
remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
ioctl_ficlone (2)
share some the data of one file with another file
ioctl_ficlonerange (2)
share some the data of one file with another file
ioctl_fideduperange (2)
share some the data of one file with another file
JSON (3pm)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
man-recode (1)
convert manual pages to another encoding
manconv (1)
convert manual page from one encoding to another
mesg (1)
display (or do not display) messages from other users
migrate_pages (2)
move all pages in a process to another set of nodes
move_pages (2)
move individual pages of a process to another node
mq_notify (2)
register for notification when a message is available
mq_notify (3)
register for notification when a message is available
nan (3)
return 'Not a Number'
nanf (3)
return 'Not a Number'
nanl (3)
return 'Not a Number'
nano (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
pico (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
pkexec (1)
Execute a command as another user
pvmove (8)
Move extents from one physical volume to another
sg_emc_trespass (8)
change ownership of SCSI LUN from another Service-Proc...
sigevent (7)
structure for notification from asynchronous routines
ss (8)
another utility to investigate sockets
sudo (8)
execute a command as another user
sudoedit (8)
execute a command as another user
switch_root (8)
switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount ...
systemd-notify (1)
Notify service manager about start-up completion and o...
systemd-socket-proxyd (8)
Bidirectionally proxy local sockets to another (p...
timerfd_create (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)
timers that notify via file descriptors
true (1)
do nothing, successfully
vmware-checkvm (1)
Check if running in a VM or not
write (1)
send a message to another user