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modules (5)
kernel modules to load at boot time
PAM (7)
Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
Bundle::DBD::Pg (3pm)
A bundle to install all DBD::Pg related modules
Bundle::DBI (3pm)
A bundle to install DBI and required modules.
depmod (8)
Generate modules.dep and map files.
dh_perl_dbi (1)
add dependencies required for DBI modules
dh_perl_openssl (1)
add dependencies required for OpenSSL modules
gio-querymodules (1)
GIO module cache creation
git-submodule (1)
Initialize, update or inspect submodules
gitmodules (5)
Defining submodule properties
gitsubmodules (7)
Mounting one repository inside another
instmodsh (1)
A shell to examine installed modules
kmod (8)
Program to manage Linux Kernel modules
lsmod (8)
Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
MailTools (3pm)
bundle of ancient email modules
modprobe (8)
Add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
modules-load.d (5)
Configure kernel modules to load at boot
modules.dep (5)
Module dependency information
modules.dep.bin (5)
Module dependency information
pam (7)
Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
query_module (2)
query the kernel for various bits pertaining to modules
systemd-modules-load (8)
Load kernel modules at boot
systemd-modules-load.service (8)
Load kernel modules at boot
zshmodules (1)
zsh loadable modules