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aa-exec (1)
confine a program with the specified AppArmor profile
at (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
atd (8)
run jobs queued for later execution
atq (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
atrm (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
batch (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
binfmt.d (5)
Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
bzexe (1)
compress executable files in place
compose (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
cron (8)
daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
DBI::Gofer::Execute (3pm)
Executes Gofer requests and returns Gofer responses
DBI::Gofer::Response (3pm)
Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute ...
dlsym (3)
obtain address of a symbol in a shared object or execu...
dlvsym (3)
obtain address of a symbol in a shared object or execu...
edit (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
elf (5)
format of Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files
exec (3)
execute a file
execl (3)
execute a file
execle (3)
execute a file
execlp (3)
execute a file
execv (3)
execute a file
execve (2)
execute program
execveat (2)
execute program relative to a directory file descriptor
execvp (3)
execute a file
execvpe (3)
execute a file
fexecve (3)
execute program specified via file descriptor
gzexe (1)
compress executable files in place
invoke-rc.d (8)
executes System-V style init script actions
kexec_file_load (2)
load a new kernel for later execution
kexec_load (2)
load a new kernel for later execution
pam_exec (8)
PAM module which calls an external command
personality (2)
set the process execution domain
pkexec (1)
Execute a command as another user
postlock (1)
lock mail folder and execute command
print (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
profil (3)
execution time profile
re_exec (3)
BSD regex functions
regexec (3)
POSIX regex functions
rexec (3)
return stream to a remote command
rexec_af (3)
return stream to a remote command
run-mailcap (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
see (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
sg (1)
execute command as different group ID
spu_run (2)
execute an SPU context
sudo (8)
execute a command as another user
sudoedit (8)
execute a command as another user
system (3)
execute a shell command
systemd-binfmt (8)
Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
systemd-binfmt.service (8)
Configure additional binary formats for executab...
systemd-detect-virt (1)
Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd-inhibit (1)
Execute a program with an inhibition lock taken
systemd-kexec.service (8)
System shutdown logic
systemd.exec (5)
Execution environment configuration
unshare (2)
disassociate parts of the process execution context
usleep (3)
suspend execution for microsecond intervals
watch (1)
execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
xargs (1)
build and execute command lines from standard input