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aio_cancel (3)
cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O request
CGI::Pretty (3pm)
module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
gai_cancel (3)
asynchronous network address and service translation
intro (7)
introduction to overview and miscellany section
io_cancel (2)
cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O operation
pthread_cancel (3)
send a cancellation request to a thread
pthread_cleanup_pop (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-u...
pthread_cleanup_push (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np (3)
push and pop thread cancellation clean-up...
pthread_setcancelstate (3)
set cancelability state and type
pthread_setcanceltype (3)
set cancelability state and type
pthread_testcancel (3)
request delivery of any pending cancellation request
Time::Zone (3pm)
- miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines