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basename (3)
parse pathname components
canonicalize_file_name (3)
return the canonicalized absolute pathname
DBI::ProfileSubs (3pm)
Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
dirname (3)
parse pathname components
dmmp_flush_mpath (3)
Flush specified multipath device map if unused.
dmmp_mpath_array_free (3)
Free 'struct dmmp_mpath' pointer array.
dmmp_mpath_array_get (3)
Query all existing multipath devices.
dmmp_mpath_kdev_name_get (3)
Retrieve kernel DEVNAME of certain mpath.
dmmp_mpath_name_get (3)
Retrieve name(alias) of certain mpath.
dmmp_mpath_wwid_get (3)
Retrieve WWID of certain mpath.
dmmp_path_array_get (3)
Retrieve path pointer array.
dmmp_path_blk_name_get (3)
Retrieve block name.
dmmp_path_group_array_get (3)
Retrieve path groups pointer array.
dmmp_path_group_id_get (3)
Retrieve path group ID.
dmmp_path_group_priority_get (3)
Retrieve path group priority.
dmmp_path_group_selector_get (3)
Retrieve path group selector.
dmmp_path_group_status_get (3)
Retrieve path group status.
dmmp_path_group_status_str (3)
Convert path group status to string.
dmmp_path_status_get (3)
Retrieve the path status.
dmmp_path_status_str (3)
Convert path status to string.
dmmp_reconfig (3)
Instruct multipathd daemon to do reconfiguration.
Dpkg::Path (3perl)
some common path handling functions
fnmatch (3)
match filename or pathname
fpathconf (3)
get configuration values for files
ftok (3)
convert a pathname and a project identifier to a Syste...
gitattributes (5)
Defining attributes per path
glob (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
glob (7)
globbing pathnames
globfree (3)
find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from gl...
grub-mkrelpath (1)
make a system path relative to its root
libdmmp.h (3)
Device Mapper Multipath API.
lookup_dcookie (2)
return a directory entry's path
manpath (1)
determine search path for manual pages
manpath (5)
format of the /etc/manpath.config file
mpath_persistent_reserve_in (3)
send PRIN command to DM device
mpath_persistent_reserve_out (3)
send PROUT command to DM device
mpathpersist (8)
Manages SCSI persistent reservations on dm multipath d...
multipath (8)
Device mapper target autoconfig.
multipath.conf (5)
multipath daemon configuration file.
multipathd (8)
Multipath daemon.
name_to_handle_at (2)
obtain handle for a pathname and open file via a handle
namei (1)
follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
open_by_handle_at (2)
obtain handle for a pathname and open file via a handle
path_resolution (7)
how a pathname is resolved to a file
pathchk (1)
check whether file names are valid or portable
pathconf (3)
get configuration values for files
pslog (1)
report current logs path of a process
realpath (1)
print the resolved path
realpath (3)
return the canonicalized absolute pathname
shells (5)
pathnames of valid login shells
snapd-env-generator (8)
internal tool to set /snap/bin to PATH
systemd-ask-password-console.path (8)
Query the user for system passwords o...
systemd-ask-password-wall.path (8)
Query the user for system passwords on t...
systemd-path (1)
List and query system and user paths
systemd.path (5)
Path unit configuration
tracepath (8)
traces path to a network host discovering MTU along th...
traceroute6 (8)
traces path to a network host
traceroute6.iputils (8)
traces path to a network host
xfs_io (8)
debug the I/O path of an XFS filesystem
xfs_ncheck (8)
generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS