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boltctl (1)
control the thunderbolt device manager
bootctl (1)
Control the firmware and boot manager settings
byobu-select-backend (1)
select your default Byobu backend window manager
dpkg (1)
package manager for Debian
fwupdmgr (1)
Firmware update manager client utility
init (1)
systemd system and service manager
loginctl (1)
Control the systemd login manager
logind.conf (5)
Login manager configuration files
logind.conf.d (5)
Login manager configuration files
LWP::ConnCache (3pm)
Connection cache manager
oqmgr (8postfix)
old Postfix queue manager
pam_systemd (8)
Register user sessions in the systemd login manager
postmulti (1)
Postfix multi-instance manager
qmgr (8postfix)
Postfix queue manager
screen (1)
screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
sd-boot (7)
A simple UEFI boot manager
system.conf.d (5)
System and session service manager configuration files
systemctl (1)
Control the systemd system and service manager
systemd (1)
systemd system and service manager
systemd-analyze (1)
Analyze and debug system manager
systemd-boot (7)
A simple UEFI boot manager
systemd-logind (8)
Login manager
systemd-logind.service (8)
Login manager
systemd-networkd (8)
Network manager
systemd-networkd.service (8)
Network manager
systemd-notify (1)
Notify service manager about start-up completion and o...
systemd-resolved (8)
Network Name Resolution manager
systemd-resolved.service (8)
Network Name Resolution manager
systemd-system.conf (5)
System and session service manager configuration files
systemd-user.conf (5)
System and session service manager configuration files
tlsmgr (8postfix)
Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG manager
udisks (8)
Disk Manager
ulockmgr_server (1)
Lock Manager Server for FUSE filesystems
user.conf.d (5)
System and session service manager configuration files