Minix Man Pages

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2to3-2.7 (1)
Python2 to Python3 converter
as (1)
the portable GNU assembler.
busybox (1)
The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
HEAD (1p)
Simple command line user agent
highlight (1)
a universal sourcecode to formatted text converter
wget (1)
The non-interactive network downloader.
[ (1)
check file types and compare values
aa-enabled (1)
test whether AppArmor is enabled
aa-exec (1)
confine a program with the specified AppArmor profile
ab (1)
Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
add-apt-repository (1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or ...
addr2line (1)
convert addresses into file names and line numbers
apport-bug (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-cli (1)
Apport user interfaces for reporting problems
apport-collect (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-unpack (1)
extract the fields of a problem report to separate files
apropos (1)
search the manual page names and descriptions
apt-add-repository (1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or ...
apt-extracttemplates (1)
Utility to extract debconf config and templates fr...
apt-ftparchive (1)
Utility to generate index files
apt-sortpkgs (1)
Utility to sort package index files
apt-transport-http (1)
APT transport for downloading via the Hypertext Tran...
apt-transport-https (1)
APT transport for downloading via the HTTP Secure p...
apt-transport-mirror (1)
APT transport for more automated mirror selection
ar (1)
create, modify, and extract from archives
arch (1)
print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
arp-fingerprint (1)
Fingerprint a system using ARP
arp-scan (1)
The ARP scanner
arpaname (1)
translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
asn1parse (1ssl)
ASN.1 parsing tool
at (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
atq (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
atrm (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
awk (1)
pattern scanning and processing language
b2sum (1)
compute and check BLAKE2 message digest
base32 (1)
base32 encode/decode data and print to standard output
base64 (1)
base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
basename (1)
strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash (1)
GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bash-builtins (7)
bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bashbug (1)
report a bug in bash
batch (1)
queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
bc (1)
An arbitrary precision calculator language
be16toh (3)
convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
boltctl (1)
control the thunderbolt device manager
bootctl (1)
Control the firmware and boot manager settings
bsd-from (1)
print names of those who have sent mail
bsd-write (1)
send a message to another user
bswap_16 (3)
reverse order of bytes
builtins (7)
bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bunzip2 (1)
a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
busctl (1)
Introspect the bus
byobu (1)
wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuratio...
byobu-config (1)
Configuration utility for byobu
byobu-ctrl-a (1)
Configure Byobu's ctrl-a behavior
byobu-disable (1)
wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startu...
byobu-disable-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell c...
byobu-enable (1)
wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startu...
byobu-enable-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell co...
byobu-export (1)
byobu-janitor (1)
script for cleaning and upgrading environment after up...
byobu-keybindings (1)
toggle on/off Byobu's keybindings
byobu-launch (1)
Byobu Launcher
byobu-launcher (1)
Byobu Launcher
byobu-launcher-install (1)
Byobu Launcher installation utility
byobu-launcher-uninstall (1)
Byobu Launcher uninstallation utility
byobu-layout (1)
Save and restore byobu-tmux layouts
byobu-prompt (1)
add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell confi...
byobu-quiet (1)
Silence all of Byobu's status indicators and eliminate...
byobu-reconnect-sockets (1)
Sourcable script that updates GPG_AGENT_INFO an...
byobu-screen (1)
Launch byobu with screen as the backend
byobu-select-backend (1)
select your default Byobu backend window manager
byobu-select-profile (1)
select your Byobu foreground and background colors
byobu-select-session (1)
select and connect to a byobu session
byobu-shell (1)
Print the message of the day and launch a shell
byobu-silent (1)
Silence all of Byobu's status indicators, eliminate th...
byobu-status (1)
displays status suitable for printing by the BYOBU_BAC...
byobu-status-detail (1)
Wrapper that uses a sensible pager
byobu-tmux (1)
Launch byobu with tmux as the backend
byobu-ugraph (1)
helper script for notification history graphs
byobu-ulevel (1)
helper script for notification level indicators
bzcat (1)
decompresses files to stdout
bzcmp (1)
compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff (1)
compare bzip2 compressed files
bzegrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzexe (1)
compress executable files in place
bzfgrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzgrep (1)
search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzip2 (1)
a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
bzip2recover (1)
recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
c++ (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
c++filt (1)
demangle C++ and Java symbols
c89 (1)
ANSI (1989) C compiler
c89-gcc (1)
ANSI (1989) C compiler
c99 (1)
ANSI (1999) C compiler
c99-gcc (1)
ANSI (1999) C compiler
c_rehash (1ssl)
Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
ca (1ssl)
sample minimal CA application (1ssl)
friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
cal (1)
displays a calendar and the date of Easter
calendar (1)
reminder service
capsh (1)
capability shell wrapper
captoinfo (1)
convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
cat (1)
concatenate files and print on the standard output
catchsegv (1)
Catch segmentation faults in programs
cc (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
certbot (1)
certbot script documentation
chage (1)
change user password expiry information
chardet3 (1)
universal character encoding detector
chardetect3 (1)
universal character encoding detector
chattr (1)
change file attributes on a Linux file system
chcon (1)
change file security context
check-language-support (1)
returns the list of missing packages in order to...
chfn (1)
change real user name and information
chgrp (1)
change group ownership
chmod (1)
change file mode bits
choom (1)
display and adjust OOM-killer score.
chown (1)
change file owner and group
chrt (1)
manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
chsh (1)
change login shell
chvt (1)
change foreground virtual terminal
ciphers (1ssl)
SSL cipher display and cipher list tool
ckbcomp (1)
compile a XKB keyboard description to a keymap suitabl...
cksum (1)
checksum and count the bytes in a file
clear (1)
clear the terminal screen
clear_console (1)
clear the console
clog10 (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10f (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10l (3)
base-10 logarithm of a complex number
cloud-id (1)
Report the canonical cloud-id for this instance
cloud-init (1)
Cloud instance initialization
cloud-init-per (1)
Run a command with arguments at a specific frequency
cmp (1)
(unknown subject)
cms (1ssl)
CMS utility
codepage (1)
extract a codepage from an MSDOS codepage file
col (1)
filter reverse line feeds from input
col1 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col2 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col3 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col4 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col5 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col6 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col7 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col8 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
col9 (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
colcrt (1)
filter nroff output for CRT previewing
colrm (1)
remove columns from a file
column (1)
columnate lists
comm (1)
compare two sorted files line by line
compose (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
corelist (1)
a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
cp (1)
copy files and directories
cp1251 (7)
CP 1251 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and h...
cp1252 (7)
CP 1252 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and h...
cpan (1)
easily interact with CPAN from the command line
cpan5.30-x86_64-linux-gnu (1)
easily interact with CPAN from the command line
cpio (1)
copy files to and from archives
cpp (1)
The C Preprocessor
cpp-9 (1)
The C Preprocessor
crl (1ssl)
CRL utility
crl2pkcs7 (1ssl)
Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates
crontab (1)
maintain crontab files for individual users (Vixie Cron)
csplit (1)
split a file into sections determined by context lines
ctail (1)
watch and colorize a logfile
curl (1)
transfer a URL
cut (1)
remove sections from each line of files
cvtsudoers (1)
convert between sudoers file formats
dash (1)
command interpreter (shell)
date (1)
print or set the system date and time
dbilogstrip (1p)
filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof (1p)
command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
dbiproxy (1p)
A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbus-cleanup-sockets (1)
clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus-daemon (1)
Message bus daemon
dbus-monitor (1)
debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus-run-session (1)
start a process as a new D-Bus session
dbus-send (1)
Send a message to a message bus
dbus-update-activation-environment (1)
update environment used for D-Bus se...
dbus-uuidgen (1)
Utility to generate UUIDs
dbxtool (1)
dconf-service (1)
D-Bus service for writes to the dconf database
dd (1)
convert and copy a file
deallocvt (1)
deallocate unused virtual consoles
deb-systemd-helper (1p)
subset of systemctl for machines not running systemd
deb-systemd-invoke (1p)
wrapper around systemctl, respecting policy-rc.d
debconf (1)
run a debconf-using program
debconf-apt-progress (1)
install packages using debconf to display a progre...
debconf-communicate (1)
communicate with debconf
debconf-copydb (1)
copy a debconf database
debconf-escape (1)
helper when working with debconf's escape capability
debconf-set-selections (1)
insert new values into the debconf database
debconf-show (1)
query the debconf database
debian-distro-info (1)
provides information about Debian's distributions
delv (1)
DNS lookup and validation utility
df (1)
report file system disk space usage
dfu-tool (1)
dgst (1ssl)
perform digest operations
dh_bash-completion (1)
install bash completions for package
dh_perl_dbi (1)
add dependencies required for DBI modules
dh_perl_openssl (1)
add dependencies required for OpenSSL modules
dh_python2 (1)
calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer script...
dhparam (1ssl)
DH parameter manipulation and generation
splain (1)
produce verbose warning diagnostics
diff (1)
(unknown subject)
diff3 (1)
(unknown subject)
dig (1)
DNS lookup utility
dir (1)
list directory contents
dir_colors (5)
configuration file for dircolors(1)
dircolors (1)
color setup for ls
dirmngr-client (1)
Tool to access the Dirmngr services
dirname (1)
strip last component from file name
distro-info (1)
provides information about the distributions' releases
dladdr1 (3)
translate address to symbolic information
dmesg (1)
print or control the kernel ring buffer
dnsdomainname (1)
show the system's DNS domain name
dnssec-cds (1)
change DS records for a child zone based on CDS/CDNSKEY
dnssec-dsfromkey (1)
DNSSEC DS RR generation tool
dnssec-importkey (1)
import DNSKEY records from external systems so they ca...
dnssec-keyfromlabel (1)
DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-keygen (1)
DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-revoke (1)
set the REVOKED bit on a DNSSEC key
dnssec-settime (1)
set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key
dnssec-signzone (1)
DNSSEC zone signing tool
dnssec-verify (1)
DNSSEC zone verification tool
domainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dpkg (1)
package manager for Debian
dpkg-architecture (1)
set and determine the architecture for package building
dpkg-buildflags (1)
returns build flags to use during package build
dpkg-buildpackage (1)
build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-checkbuilddeps (1)
check build dependencies and conflicts
dpkg-deb (1)
Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
dpkg-distaddfile (1)
add entries to debian/files
dpkg-divert (1)
override a package's version of a file
dpkg-genbuildinfo (1)
generate Debian .buildinfo files
dpkg-genchanges (1)
generate Debian .changes files
dpkg-gencontrol (1)
generate Debian control files
dpkg-gensymbols (1)
generate symbols files (shared library dependency info...
dpkg-maintscript-helper (1)
works around known dpkg limitations in maintain...
dpkg-mergechangelogs (1)
3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-name (1)
rename Debian packages to full package names
dpkg-parsechangelog (1)
parse Debian changelog files
dpkg-query (1)
a tool to query the dpkg database
dpkg-scanpackages (1)
create Packages index files
dpkg-scansources (1)
create Sources index files
dpkg-shlibdeps (1)
generate shared library substvar dependencies
dpkg-source (1)
Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
dpkg-split (1)
Debian package archive split/join tool
dpkg-statoverride (1)
override ownership and mode of files
dpkg-trigger (1)
a package trigger utility
dpkg-vendor (1)
queries information about distribution vendors
dsa (1ssl)
DSA key processing
dsaparam (1ssl)
DSA parameter manipulation and generation
dsp56k (4)
DSP56001 interface device
du (1)
estimate file space usage
dumpkeys (1)
dump keyboard translation tables
dwp (1)
The DWARF packaging utility
eatmydata (1)
transparently disable fsync() and other data-to-disk s...
ec (1ssl)
EC key processing
echo (1)
display a line of text
ecparam (1ssl)
EC parameter manipulation and generation
ed (1)
line-oriented text editor
Ed25519 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY Ed25519 and Ed448 support
Ed448 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY Ed25519 and Ed448 support
edit (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
editor (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
egrep (1)
print lines that match patterns
eject (1)
eject removable media
elfedit (1)
update ELF header and program property of ELF files
enc (1ssl)
symmetric cipher routines
enc2xs (1)
- Perl Encode Module Generator
encguess (1)
guess character encodings of files
engine (1ssl)
load and query engines
env (1)
run a program in a modified environment
envsubst (1)
substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
epoll_create1 (2)
open an epoll file descriptor
eqn (1)
format equations for troff or MathML
errstr (1ssl)
lookup error codes
ex (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
exp10 (3)
base-10 exponential function
exp10f (3)
base-10 exponential function
exp10l (3)
base-10 exponential function
expand (1)
convert tabs to spaces
expiry (1)
check and enforce password expiration policy
expm1 (3)
exponential minus 1
expm1f (3)
exponential minus 1
expm1l (3)
exponential minus 1
expr (1)
evaluate expressions
factor (1)
factor numbers
faked (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-sysv (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-tcp (1)
daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
fakeroot (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-sysv (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-tcp (1)
run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fallocate (1)
preallocate or deallocate space to a file
false (1)
do nothing, unsuccessfully
fgconsole (1)
print the number of the active VT.
fgrep (1)
print lines that match patterns
file (1)
determine file type
finalrd (1)
final runtime directory generator for shutdown
fincore (1)
count pages of file contents in core
find (1)
search for files in a directory hierarchy
flock (1)
manage locks from shell scripts
fmt (1)
simple optimal text formatter
fold (1)
wrap each input line to fit in specified width
free (1)
Display amount of free and used memory in the system
from (1)
print names of those who have sent mail
ftp (1)
Internet file transfer program
fuser (1)
identify processes using files or sockets
fusermount (1)
unmount FUSE filesystems
fwupdagent (1)
Firmware updating agent
fwupdate (1)
Debugging utility for UEFI firmware updates
fwupdmgr (1)
Firmware update manager client utility
fwupdtool (1)
Standalone firmware update utility
fwupdtpmevlog (1)
Debugging utility for the TPM event log
g++ (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
g++-9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gapplication (1)
D-Bus application launcher
gawk (1)
pattern scanning and processing language
gcc (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc-9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
gcc-ar (1)
a wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
gcc-ar-9 (1)
a wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
gcc-nm (1)
a wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
gcc-nm-9 (1)
a wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
gcc-ranlib (1)
a wrapper around ranlib adding the --plugin option
gcc-ranlib-9 (1)
a wrapper around ranlib adding the --plugin option
gcov (1)
coverage testing tool
gcov-9 (1)
coverage testing tool
gcov-dump (1)
offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-dump-9 (1)
offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-tool (1)
offline gcda profile processing tool
gcov-tool-9 (1)
offline gcda profile processing tool
gdbus (1)
Tool for working with D-Bus objects
gencat (1)
Generate message catalog
gendsa (1ssl)
generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genpkey (1ssl)
generate a private key
genrsa (1ssl)
generate an RSA private key
geqn (1)
format equations for troff or MathML
GET (1p)
Simple command line user agent
get-iab (1)
Fetch the arp-scan IAB file from the IEEE website
get-oui (1)
Fetch the arp-scan OUI file from the IEEE website (on ...
getconf (1)
Query system configuration variables
getent (1)
get entries from Name Service Switch libraries
getopt (1)
parse command options (enhanced)
getpcaps (1)
List Process Capabilities
gettext (1)
translate message
ginstall-info (1)
update info/dir entries
gio (1)
GIO commandline tool
gio-querymodules (1)
GIO module cache creation
git (1)
the stupid content tracker
git-add (1)
Add file contents to the index
git-am (1)
Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
git-annotate (1)
Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply (1)
Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-archive (1)
Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-bisect (1)
Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a...
git-blame (1)
Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-branch (1)
List, create, or delete branches
git-bundle (1)
Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file (1)
Provide content or type and size information for repos...
git-check-attr (1)
Display gitattributes information
git-check-ignore (1)
Debug gitignore / exclude files
git-check-mailmap (1)
Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts
git-check-ref-format (1)
Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-checkout (1)
Switch branches or restore working tree files
git-checkout-index (1)
Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-cherry (1)
Find commits yet to be applied to upstream
git-cherry-pick (1)
Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
git-clean (1)
Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-clone (1)
Clone a repository into a new directory
git-column (1)
Display data in columns
git-commit (1)
Record changes to the repository
git-commit-graph (1)
Write and verify Git commit-graph files
git-commit-tree (1)
Create a new commit object
git-config (1)
Get and set repository or global options
git-count-objects (1)
Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consu...
git-credential (1)
Retrieve and store user credentials
git-credential-cache (1)
Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-credential-cache--daemon (1)
Temporarily store user credentials in memory
git-credential-store (1)
Helper to store credentials on disk
git-daemon (1)
A really simple server for Git repositories
git-describe (1)
Give an object a human readable name based on an avail...
git-diff (1)
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree,...
git-diff-files (1)
Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff-index (1)
Compare a tree to the working tree or index
git-diff-tree (1)
Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two t...
git-difftool (1)
Show changes using common diff tools
git-fast-export (1)
Git data exporter
git-fast-import (1)
Backend for fast Git data importers
git-fetch (1)
Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack (1)
Receive missing objects from another repository
git-filter-branch (1)
Rewrite branches
git-fmt-merge-msg (1)
Produce a merge commit message
git-for-each-ref (1)
Output information on each ref
git-format-patch (1)
Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-fsck (1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-gc (1)
Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repos...
git-get-tar-commit-id (1)
Extract commit ID from an archive created using g...
git-grep (1)
Print lines matching a pattern
git-hash-object (1)
Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a...
git-help (1)
Display help information about Git
git-http-backend (1)
Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
git-http-fetch (1)
Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
git-http-push (1)
Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-imap-send (1)
Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
git-index-pack (1)
Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-init (1)
Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an exis...
git-init-db (1)
Creates an empty Git repository
git-instaweb (1)
Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
git-interpret-trailers (1)
Add or parse structured information in commit me...
git-log (1)
Show commit logs
git-ls-files (1)
Show information about files in the index and the work...
git-ls-remote (1)
List references in a remote repository
git-ls-tree (1)
List the contents of a tree object
git-mailinfo (1)
Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail mes...
git-mailsplit (1)
Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
git-merge (1)
Join two or more development histories together
git-merge-base (1)
Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-file (1)
Run a three-way file merge
git-merge-index (1)
Run a merge for files needing merging
git-merge-one-file (1)
The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-merge-tree (1)
Show three-way merge without touching index
git-mergetool (1)
Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge c...
git-mergetool--lib (1)
Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-mktag (1)
Creates a tag object
git-mktree (1)
Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-multi-pack-index (1)
Write and verify multi-pack-indexes
git-mv (1)
Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-name-rev (1)
Find symbolic names for given revs
git-notes (1)
Add or inspect object notes
git-pack-objects (1)
Create a packed archive of objects
git-pack-redundant (1)
Find redundant pack files
git-pack-refs (1)
Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-parse-remote (1)
Routines to help parsing remote repository access para...
git-patch-id (1)
Compute unique ID for a patch
git-prune (1)
Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed (1)
Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-pull (1)
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a ...
git-push (1)
Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-quiltimport (1)
Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-range-diff (1)
Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)
git-read-tree (1)
Reads tree information into the index
git-rebase (1)
Reapply commits on top of another base tip
git-receive-pack (1)
Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-reflog (1)
Manage reflog information
git-remote (1)
Manage set of tracked repositories
git-remote-ext (1)
Bridge smart transport to external command.
git-remote-fd (1)
Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-repack (1)
Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace (1)
Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-request-pull (1)
Generates a summary of pending changes
git-rerere (1)
Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-reset (1)
Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-restore (1)
Restore working tree files
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-rev-parse (1)
Pick out and massage parameters
git-revert (1)
Revert some existing commits
git-rm (1)
Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-send-pack (1)
Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-sh-i18n (1)
Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst (1)
Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-sh-setup (1)
Common Git shell script setup code
git-shell (1)
Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-shortlog (1)
Summarize 'git log' output
git-show (1)
Show various types of objects
git-show-branch (1)
Show branches and their commits
git-show-index (1)
Show packed archive index
git-show-ref (1)
List references in a local repository
git-sparse-checkout (1)
Initialize and modify the sparse-checkout configura...
git-stage (1)
Add file contents to the staging area
git-stash (1)
Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-status (1)
Show the working tree status
git-stripspace (1)
Remove unnecessary whitespace
git-submodule (1)
Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-subtree (1)
Merge subtrees together and split repository into subt...
git-switch (1)
Switch branches
git-symbolic-ref (1)
Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
git-tag (1)
Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-unpack-file (1)
Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-unpack-objects (1)
Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-index (1)
Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-ref (1)
Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-update-server-info (1)
Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-upload-archive (1)
Send archive back to git-archive
git-upload-pack (1)
Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-var (1)
Show a Git logical variable
git-verify-commit (1)
Check the GPG signature of commits
git-verify-pack (1)
Validate packed Git archive files
git-verify-tag (1)
Check the GPG signature of tags
git-web--browse (1)
Git helper script to launch a web browser
git-whatchanged (1)
Show logs with difference each commit introduces
git-worktree (1)
Manage multiple working trees
git-write-tree (1)
Create a tree object from the current index
gitolite (1)
gatekeeper for git repositories
gitweb (1)
Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)
glib-compile-schemas (1)
GSettings schema compiler
gold (1)
The GNU ELF linker
gpasswd (1)
administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
gpg (1)
OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg-agent (1)
Secret key management for GnuPG
gpg-check-pattern (1)
Check a passphrase on stdin against the patternfile
gpg-connect-agent (1)
Communicate with a running agent
gpg-preset-passphrase (1)
Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache
gpg-wks-client (1)
Client for the Web Key Service
gpg-wks-server (1)
Server providing the Web Key Service
gpg-zip (1)
encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpgcompose (1)
Generate a stream of OpenPGP packets
gpgconf (1)
Modify .gnupg home directories
gpgparsemail (1)
Parse a mail message into an annotated format
gpgsm (1)
CMS encryption and signing tool
gpgsplit (1)
Split an OpenPGP message into packets
gpgtar (1)
Encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpgv (1)
Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpic (1)
compile pictures for troff or TeX
gprof (1)
display call graph profile data
grep (1)
print lines that match patterns
gresource (1)
GResource tool
groff (1)
front-end for the groff document formatting system
grog (1)
guess options for a following groff command
grops (1)
PostScript driver for groff
grotty (1)
groff driver for typewriter-like devices
groups (1)
print the groups a user is in
growpart (1)
extend a partition in a partition table to fill availa...
grub-editenv (1)
edit GRUB environment block
grub-file (1)
check file type
grub-fstest (1)
debug tool for GRUB filesystem drivers
grub-glue-efi (1)
generate a fat binary for EFI
grub-kbdcomp (1)
generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-menulst2cfg (1)
transform legacy menu.lst into grub.cfg
grub-mkfont (1)
make GRUB font files
grub-mkimage (1)
make a bootable image of GRUB
grub-mklayout (1)
generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-mknetdir (1)
prepare a GRUB netboot directory.
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1)
generate hashed password for GRUB
grub-mkrelpath (1)
make a system path relative to its root
grub-mkrescue (1)
make a GRUB rescue image
grub-mkstandalone (1)
make a memdisk-based GRUB image
grub-mount (1)
export GRUB filesystem with FUSE
grub-render-label (1)
generate a .disk_label for Apple Macs.
grub-script-check (1)
check grub.cfg for syntax errors
grub-syslinux2cfg (1)
transform syslinux config into grub.cfg
gsettings (1)
GSettings configuration tool
gtbl (1)
format tables for troff
gunzip (1)
compress or expand files
gzexe (1)
compress executable files in place
gzip (1)
compress or expand files
h2ph (1)
convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs (1)
convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
hd (1)
ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
head (1)
output the first part of files
helpztags (1)
generate the help tags file for directory
hexdump (1)
ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
host (1)
DNS lookup utility
hostid (1)
print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname (1)
show or set the system's host name
hostnamectl (1)
Control the system hostname
htdbm (1)
Manipulate DBM password databases
htdigest (1)
manage user files for digest authentication
htmltree (1p)
Parse the given HTML file(s) and dump the parse tree
htobe16 (3)
convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htole16 (3)
convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htop (1)
interactive process viewer
htpasswd (1)
Manage user files for basic authentication
httxt2dbm (1)
Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
iconv (1)
convert text from one character encoding to another
id (1)
print real and effective user and group IDs
info (1)
read Info documents
infobrowser (1)
read Info documents
infocmp (1)
compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infotocap (1)
convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
init (1)
systemd system and service manager
inotify_init1 (2)
initialize an inotify instance
install (1)
copy files and set attributes
install-info (1)
update info/dir entries
instmodsh (1)
A shell to examine installed modules
intro (1)
introduction to user commands
ionice (1)
set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
ipcmk (1)
make various IPC resources
ipcrm (1)
remove certain IPC resources
ipcs (1)
show information on IPC facilities
iptables-xml (1)
Convert iptables-save format to XML
irqbalance (1)
distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a ...
irqbalance-ui (1)
user interface for irqbalance
ischroot (1)
detect if running in a chroot
iso-8859-1 (7)
ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, an...
iso-8859-10 (7)
ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso-8859-11 (7)
ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso-8859-13 (7)
ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso-8859-14 (7)
ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso-8859-15 (7)
ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso-8859-16 (7)
ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-1 (7)
ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, an...
iso_8859-10 (7)
ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-11 (7)
ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-13 (7)
ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-14 (7)
ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-15 (7)
ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859-16 (7)
ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_1 (7)
ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, an...
iso_8859_10 (7)
ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_11 (7)
ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_13 (7)
ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_14 (7)
ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_15 (7)
ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
iso_8859_16 (7)
ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
j1 (3)
Bessel functions of the first kind
j1f (3)
Bessel functions of the first kind
j1l (3)
Bessel functions of the first kind
join (1)
join lines of two files on a common field
journalctl (1)
Query the systemd journal
json_pp (1)
JSON::PP command utility
json_xs (1p)
JSON::XS commandline utility
kbd_mode (1)
report or set the keyboard mode
kbdinfo (1)
obtain information about the status of a console
kbxutil (1)
List, export, import Keybox data
keep-one-running (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command and un...
keyring (1)
Python-Keyring command-line utility
kill (1)
send a signal to a process
killall (1)
kill processes by name
kmodsign (1)
Kernel module signing tool
landscape-sysinfo (1)
Display a summary of the current system status
last (1)
show a listing of last logged in users
lastb (1)
show a listing of last logged in users
latin1 (7)
ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, an...
latin10 (7)
ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
latin6 (7)
ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
latin7 (7)
ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
latin8 (7)
ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
latin9 (7)
ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
lcf (1)
Determine which of the historical versions of a config...
ld (1)
The GNU linker
ld.bfd (1)
The GNU linker (1)
The GNU ELF linker
ldd (1)
print shared object dependencies
le16toh (3)
convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
less (1)
opposite of more
lessecho (1)
expand metacharacters
lessfile (1)
"input preprocessor" for less.
lesskey (1)
specify key bindings for less
lesspipe (1)
"input preprocessor" for less.
letsencrypt (1)
certbot script documentation
lexgrog (1)
parse header information in man pages
libnetcfg (1)
configure libnet
lighttpd-disable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd-enable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-disable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighty-enable-mod (1)
enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
link (1)
call the link function to create a link to a file
linux-check-removal (1)
check whether removal of a kernel is safe
linux-update-symlinks (1)
maintain symlinks to default kernel and initramfs
linux-version (1)
operate on Linux kernel version strings
linux32 (1)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (1)
change reported architecture in new program environmen...
list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
ln (1)
make links between files
loadkeys (1)
load keyboard translation tables
locale (1)
get locale-specific information
localectl (1)
Control the system locale and keyboard layout settings
localedef (1)
compile locale definition files
log10 (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log10f (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log10l (3)
base-10 logarithmic function
log1p (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1pf (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1pl (3)
logarithm of 1 plus argument
logger (1)
enter messages into the system log
login (1)
begin session on the system
loginctl (1)
Control the systemd login manager
logname (1)
print user's login name
logresolve (1)
Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
look (1)
display lines beginning with a given string
lorder (1)
list dependencies for object files
ls (1)
list directory contents
lsattr (1)
list file attributes on a Linux second extended file s...
lsb_release (1)
print distribution-specific information
lscpu (1)
display information about the CPU architecture
lshw (1)
list hardware
lsipc (1)
show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lslogins (1)
display information about known users in the system
lsmem (1)
list the ranges of available memory with their online ...
lspgpot (1)
extracts the ownertrust values from PGP keyrings and l...
ltrace (1)
A library call tracer
ltrace.conf (5)
Configuration file for ltrace(1).
lwp-download (1p)
Fetch large files from the web
lwp-dump (1p)
See what headers and content is returned for a URL
lwp-mirror (1p)
Simple mirror utility
lwp-request (1p)
Simple command line user agent
lz4 (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lz4c (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lz4cat (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
lzcat (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzcmp (1)
compare compressed files
lzdiff (1)
compare compressed files
lzegrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
lzless (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
lzma (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzmainfo (1)
show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzmore (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
madvise1 (2)
unimplemented system calls
mailq (1)
Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
make (1)
GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
make-first-existing-target (1)
runs make on one of several targets
makedefs (1)
Postfix makefile configuration utility
man (1)
an interface to the system reference manuals
man-recode (1)
convert manual pages to another encoding
manconv (1)
convert manual page from one encoding to another
manifest (1)
import or export a package list
manpath (1)
determine search path for manual pages
mawk (1)
pattern scanning and text processing language
mcookie (1)
generate magic cookies for xauth
md5sum (1)
compute and check MD5 message digest
md5sum.textutils (1)
compute and check MD5 message digest
mdig (1)
DNS pipelined lookup utility
memusage (1)
profile memory usage of a program
memusagestat (1)
generate graphic from memory profiling data
mesg (1)
display (or do not display) messages from other users
migrate-pubring-from-classic-gpg (1)
Migrate a public keyring from "classic...
mkdir (1)
make directories
mkfifo (1)
make FIFOs (named pipes)
mknod (1)
make block or character special files
mksquashfs (1)
tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems
mktemp (1)
create a temporary file or directory
more (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing
mountpoint (1)
see if a directory or file is a mountpoint
mt (1)
control magnetic tape drive operation
mt-gnu (1)
control magnetic tape drive operation
mtrace (1)
interpret the malloc trace log
mutt (1)
The Mutt Mail User Agent
mutt_dotlock (1)
Lock mail spool files.
mv (1)
move (rename) files
named-checkconf (1)
named configuration file syntax checking tool
named-checkzone (1)
zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-compilezone (1)
zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-journalprint (1)
print zone journal in human-readable form
named-nzd2nzf (1)
convert an NZD database to NZF text format
named-rrchecker (1)
syntax checker for individual DNS resource records
namei (1)
follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
nano (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
nawk (1)
pattern scanning and processing language
nc (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
nc.openbsd (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
nc_openbsd (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
ncal (1)
displays a calendar and the date of Easter
neqn (1)
format equations for ASCII output
netcat (1)
arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
netkit-ftp (1)
Internet file transfer program
networkctl (1)
Query the status of network links
newaliases (1)
Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
newgrp (1)
log in to a new group
NF (1)
awk and print a column (based on the name of the progr...
ngettext (1)
translate message and choose plural form
nice (1)
run a program with modified scheduling priority
nisdomainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
nl (1)
number lines of files
nm (1)
list symbols from object files
node (1)
server-side JavaScript runtime
nohup (1)
run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
nproc (1)
print the number of processing units available
nroff (1)
use groff to format documents for TTY devices
nsec3hash (1)
generate NSEC3 hash
nsenter (1)
run program with namespaces of other processes
nseq (1ssl)
create or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
nslookup (1)
query Internet name servers interactively
nsupdate (1)
dynamic DNS update utility
numfmt (1)
Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings
objcopy (1)
copy and translate object files
objdump (1)
display information from object files
ocsp (1ssl)
Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
od (1)
dump files in octal and other formats
on_ac_power (1)
test whether computer is running on AC power
openssl (1ssl)
OpenSSL command line tool
openssl-asn1parse (1ssl)
ASN.1 parsing tool
openssl-c_rehash (1ssl)
Create symbolic links to files named by the hash va...
openssl-ca (1ssl)
sample minimal CA application
openssl-ciphers (1ssl)
SSL cipher display and cipher list tool
openssl-cms (1ssl)
CMS utility
openssl-crl (1ssl)
CRL utility
openssl-crl2pkcs7 (1ssl)
Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates
openssl-dgst (1ssl)
perform digest operations
openssl-dhparam (1ssl)
DH parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-dsa (1ssl)
DSA key processing
openssl-dsaparam (1ssl)
DSA parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-ec (1ssl)
EC key processing
openssl-ecparam (1ssl)
EC parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-enc (1ssl)
symmetric cipher routines
openssl-engine (1ssl)
load and query engines
openssl-errstr (1ssl)
lookup error codes
openssl-gendsa (1ssl)
generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
openssl-genpkey (1ssl)
generate a private key
openssl-genrsa (1ssl)
generate an RSA private key
openssl-list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
openssl-nseq (1ssl)
create or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
openssl-ocsp (1ssl)
Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
openssl-passwd (1ssl)
compute password hashes
openssl-pkcs12 (1ssl)
PKCS#12 file utility
openssl-pkcs7 (1ssl)
PKCS#7 utility
openssl-pkcs8 (1ssl)
PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
openssl-pkey (1ssl)
public or private key processing tool
openssl-pkeyparam (1ssl)
public key algorithm parameter processing tool
openssl-pkeyutl (1ssl)
public key algorithm utility
openssl-prime (1ssl)
compute prime numbers
openssl-rand (1ssl)
generate pseudo-random bytes
openssl-rehash (1ssl)
Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
openssl-req (1ssl)
PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
openssl-rsa (1ssl)
RSA key processing tool
openssl-rsautl (1ssl)
RSA utility
openssl-s_client (1ssl)
SSL/TLS client program
openssl-s_server (1ssl)
SSL/TLS server program
openssl-s_time (1ssl)
SSL/TLS performance timing program
openssl-sess_id (1ssl)
SSL/TLS session handling utility
openssl-smime (1ssl)
S/MIME utility
openssl-speed (1ssl)
test library performance
openssl-spkac (1ssl)
SPKAC printing and generating utility
openssl-srp (1ssl)
maintain SRP password file
openssl-storeutl (1ssl)
STORE utility
openssl-ts (1ssl)
Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
openssl-tsget (1ssl)
Time Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
openssl-verify (1ssl)
Utility to verify certificates
openssl-version (1ssl)
print OpenSSL version information
openssl-x509 (1ssl)
Certificate display and signing utility
openvt (1)
start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT).
pager (1)
opposite of more
passwd (1)
change user password
passwd (1ssl)
compute password hashes
paste (1)
merge lines of files
pastebinit (1)
command-line pastebin client
patch (1)
apply a diff file to an original
pathchk (1)
check whether file names are valid or portable
pbget (1)
compress and encode arbitrary files to
pbput (1)
compress and encode arbitrary files to
pbputs (1)
compress and encode arbitrary files to
pdb2 (1)
the Python debugger
pdb2.7 (1)
the Python debugger
pdb3 (1)
the Python debugger
pdb3.8 (1)
the Python debugger
peekfd (1)
peek at file descriptors of running processes
perl (1)
The Perl 5 language interpreter
perl5.30-x86_64-linux-gnu (1)
The Perl 5 language interpreter
perl5.30.0 (1)
The Perl 5 language interpreter
perlbug (1)
how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlivp (1)
Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perlthanks (1)
how to submit bug reports on Perl
pftp (1)
Internet file transfer program
pgrep (1)
look up or signal processes based on name and other at...
phar (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar.phar (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar.phar7.4 (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar7.4 (1)
PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
php (1)
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php-cgi (1)
PHP Common Gateway Interface 'CGI' command
php-cgi7.4 (1)
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php7.4 (1)
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
pic (1)
compile pictures for troff or TeX
pico (1)
Nano's ANOther editor, inspired by Pico
piconv (1)
- iconv(1), reinvented in perl
pinentry (1)
PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-curses (1)
PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinky (1)
lightweight finger
pkaction (1)
Get details about a registered action
pkcheck (1)
Check whether a process is authorized
pkcon (1)
PackageKit console client
pkcs12 (1ssl)
PKCS#12 file utility
pkcs7 (1ssl)
PKCS#7 utility
pkcs8 (1ssl)
PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkexec (1)
Execute a command as another user
pkey (1ssl)
public or private key processing tool
pkeyparam (1ssl)
public key algorithm parameter processing tool
pkeyutl (1ssl)
public key algorithm utility
pkill (1)
look up or signal processes based on name and other at...
pkmon (1)
PackageKit console client
pkttyagent (1)
Textual authentication helper
pl2pm (1)
Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm m...
pldd (1)
display dynamic shared objects linked into a process
plymouth (1)
Send commands to plymouthd
pmap (1)
report memory map of a process
pod2html (1)
convert .pod files to .html files
pod2man (1)
Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2text (1)
Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
pod2usage (1)
print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
podchecker (1)
check the syntax of POD format documentation files
podselect (1)
print selected sections of pod documentation on standa...
pollinate (1)
an Entropy-as-a-Service client
POST (1p)
Simple command line user agent
postalias (1)
Postfix alias database maintenance
postcat (1)
show Postfix queue file contents
postconf (1)
Postfix configuration utility
postdrop (1)
Postfix mail posting utility
postfix (1)
Postfix control program
postfix-tls (1)
Postfix TLS management
postkick (1)
kick a Postfix service
postlock (1)
lock mail folder and execute command
postlog (1)
Postfix-compatible logging utility
postmap (1)
Postfix lookup table management
postmulti (1)
Postfix multi-instance manager
postqueue (1)
Postfix queue control
postsuper (1)
Postfix superintendent
posttls-finger (1)
Probe the TLS properties of an ESMTP or LMTP server.
pow10 (3)
base-10 power functions
pow10f (3)
base-10 power functions
pow10l (3)
base-10 power functions
pr (1)
convert text files for printing
preconv (1)
convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff...
prime (1ssl)
compute prime numbers
print (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
printenv (1)
print all or part of environment
printerbanner (1)
print large banner on printer
printf (1)
format and print data
prlimit (1)
get and set process resource limits
procps (1)
report a snapshot of the current processes.
prove (1)
Run tests through a TAP harness.
prtstat (1)
print statistics of a process
ps (1)
report a snapshot of the current processes.
psfaddtable (1)
add a Unicode character table to a console font
psfgettable (1)
extract the embedded Unicode character table from a co...
psfstriptable (1)
remove the embedded Unicode character table from a con...
psfxtable (1)
handle Unicode character tables for console fonts
pslog (1)
report current logs path of a process
pstree (1)
display a tree of processes
pstree.x11 (1)
display a tree of processes
ptar (1)
a tar-like program written in perl
ptardiff (1)
program that diffs an extracted archive against an une...
ptargrep (1)
Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a t...
ptx (1)
produce a permuted index of file contents
purge-old-kernels (1)
remove old kernel and header packages from the system
pwd (1)
print name of current/working directory
pwdx (1)
report current working directory of a process
py3clean (1)
removes .pyc and .pyo files
py3compile (1)
byte compile Python 3 source files
py3versions (1)
print python3 version information
pyclean (1)
removes .pyc and .pyo files
pycompile (1)
byte compile Python source files
pydoc2 (1)
the Python documentation tool
pydoc2.7 (1)
the Python documentation tool
pydoc3 (1)
the Python documentation tool
pydoc3.8 (1)
the Python documentation tool
pygettext2.7 (1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext2 (1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext3 (1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext3.8 (1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pyjwt3 (1)
Python implementation of JSON Web Token
pysetup3.8 (1)
pysetup tool
python3.8 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)
an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
pyversions (1)
print python version information
qmqp-sink (1)
parallelized QMQP test server
qmqp-source (1)
parallelized QMQP test generator
qshape (1)
Print Postfix queue domain and age distribution
rand (1ssl)
generate pseudo-random bytes
ranlib (1)
generate an index to an archive
rbash (1)
restricted bash, see bash(1)
rcp (1)
OpenSSH secure file copy
readelf (1)
display information about ELF files
readlink (1)
print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
realpath (1)
print the resolved path
red (1)
line-oriented text editor
rehash (1ssl)
Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
rename.ul (1)
rename files
renice (1)
alter priority of running processes
req (1ssl)
PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
reset (1)
terminal initialization
resolvconf (1)
Resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS res...
resolvectl (1)
Resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS res...
rev (1)
reverse lines characterwise
rgrep (1)
print lines that match patterns
rlogin (1)
OpenSSH remote login client
rm (1)
remove files or directories
rmdir (1)
remove empty directories
rnano (1)
a restricted nano
rpcgen (1)
an RPC protocol compiler
rsa (1ssl)
RSA key processing tool
rsautl (1ssl)
RSA utility
rsh (1)
OpenSSH remote login client
rsync (1)
a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
run-mailcap (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
run-one (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command and un...
run-one-constantly (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command and ...
run-one-until-failure (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command a...
run-one-until-success (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command a...
run-this-one (1)
run just one instance at a time of some command and un...
runcon (1)
run command with specified security context
runuser (1)
run a command with substitute user and group ID
rview (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
rvim (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
rzsh (1)
the Z shell
s_client (1ssl)
SSL/TLS client program
s_server (1ssl)
SSL/TLS server program
s_time (1ssl)
SSL/TLS performance timing program
sbattach (1)
UEFI secure boot detached signature tool
sbm-agent (1)
R1Soft SBM agent
sbsiglist (1)
Create EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST signature databases
sbsign (1)
UEFI secure boot signing tool
sbvarsign (1)
UEFI authenticated variable signing tool
sbverify (1)
UEFI secure boot verification tool
scp (1)
OpenSSH secure file copy
screen (1)
screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
screendump (1)
dump the contents of a virtual console to stdout
script (1)
make typescript of terminal session
scriptreplay (1)
play back typescripts, using timing information
sdiff (1)
(unknown subject)
sed (1)
stream editor for filtering and transforming text
see (1)
execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
select-editor (1)
select your default sensible-editor from all installed...
sendmail (1)
Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
sensible-browser (1)
sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-editor (1)
sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-pager (1)
sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
seq (1)
print a sequence of numbers
sess_id (1ssl)
SSL/TLS session handling utility
setleds (1)
set the keyboard leds
setmetamode (1)
define the keyboard meta key handling
setpriv (1)
run a program with different Linux privilege settings
setsid (1)
run a program in a new session
setterm (1)
set terminal attributes
setupcon (1)
sets up the font and the keyboard on the console
setvtrgb (1)
customize the console color map
sftp (1)
OpenSSH secure file transfer
sg (1)
execute command as different group ID
sg_get_lba_status (8)
send SCSI GET LBA STATUS(16 or 32) command
sg_seek (8)
send SCSI SEEK, PRE-FETCH(10) or PRE-FETCH(16) command
sh (1)
command interpreter (shell)
sha1sum (1)
compute and check SHA1 message digest
sha224sum (1)
compute and check SHA224 message digest
sha256sum (1)
compute and check SHA256 message digest
sha384sum (1)
compute and check SHA384 message digest
sha512sum (1)
compute and check SHA512 message digest
shasum (1)
Print or Check SHA Checksums
showkey (1)
examine the codes sent by the keyboard
shred (1)
overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally ...
shuf (1)
generate random permutations
size (1)
list section sizes and total size of binary files
skill (1)
send a signal or report process status
slabtop (1)
display kernel slab cache information in real time
sleep (1)
delay for a specified amount of time
slogin (1)
OpenSSH remote login client
smime (1ssl)
S/MIME utility
smime_keys (1)
Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal data...
smtp-sink (1)
parallelized SMTP/LMTP test server
smtp-source (1)
parallelized SMTP/LMTP test generator
snice (1)
send a signal or report process status
soelim (1)
interpret .so requests in groff input
sort (1)
sort lines of text files
sos (1)
A unified tool for collecting system logs and other de...
sos-clean (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-collect (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-collector (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-help (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-mask (1)
(unknown subject)
sos-report (1)
(unknown subject)
sosreport (1)
(unknown subject)
sotruss (1)
trace shared library calls through PLT
spawn-fcgi (1)
Spawns FastCGI processes
speed (1ssl)
test library performance
spkac (1ssl)
SPKAC printing and generating utility
split (1)
split a file into pieces
splitfont (1)
extract characters from an ISO-type font.
sprof (1)
read and display shared object profiling data
sqldiff (1)
sqlite3 database difference utility
sqlite (1)
A command line interface for SQLite
sqlite3 (1)
A command line interface for SQLite version 3
srp (1ssl)
maintain SRP password file
ssh (1)
OpenSSH remote login client
ssh-add (1)
adds private key identities to the OpenSSH authenticat...
ssh-agent (1)
OpenSSH authentication agent
ssh-argv0 (1)
replaces the old ssh command-name as hostname handling
ssh-copy-id (1)
use locally available keys to authorise logins on a re...
ssh-import-id (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-gh (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-lp (1)
retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-keygen (1)
OpenSSH authentication key utility
ssh-keyscan (1)
gather SSH public keys from servers
ssh-pkcs11-helper (8)
OpenSSH helper for PKCS#11 support
stat (1)
display file or file system status
stdbuf (1)
Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for it...
storeutl (1ssl)
STORE utility
strace (1)
trace system calls and signals
strace-log-merge (1)
merge strace -ff -tt output
strings (1)
print the sequences of printable characters in files
strip (1)
discard symbols and other data from object files
stty (1)
change and print terminal line settings
su (1)
run a command with substitute user and group ID
sum (1)
checksum and count the blocks in a file
symcryptrun (1)
Call a simple symmetric encryption tool
sync (1)
Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage
systemctl (1)
Control the systemd system and service manager
systemd (1)
systemd system and service manager
systemd-analyze (1)
Analyze and debug system manager
systemd-ask-password (1)
Query the user for a system password
systemd-cat (1)
Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-cgls (1)
Recursively show control group contents
systemd-cgtop (1)
Show top control groups by their resource usage
systemd-delta (1)
Find overridden configuration files
systemd-detect-virt (1)
Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd-escape (1)
Escape strings for usage in systemd unit names
systemd-id128 (1)
Generate and print sd-128 identifiers
systemd-inhibit (1)
Execute a program with an inhibition lock taken
systemd-machine-id-setup (1)
Initialize the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
systemd-mount (1)
Establish and destroy transient mount or auto-mount po...
systemd-notify (1)
Notify service manager about start-up completion and o...
systemd-path (1)
List and query system and user paths
systemd-resolve (1)
Resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS res...
systemd-run (1)
Run programs in transient scope units, service units, ...
systemd-socket-activate (1)
Test socket activation of daemons
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent (1)
List or process pending systemd password...
systemd-umount (1)
Establish and destroy transient mount or auto-mount po...
tabs (1)
set tabs on a terminal
tac (1)
concatenate and print files in reverse
tail (1)
output the last part of files
tar (1)
an archiving utility
tarcat (1)
concatenates the pieces of a GNU tar multi-volume archive
taskset (1)
set or retrieve a process's CPU affinity
tbl (1)
format tables for troff
tee (1)
read from standard input and write to standard output ...
telnet (1)
user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnet.netkit (1)
user interface to the TELNET protocol
tempfile (1)
create a temporary file in a safe manner
test (1)
check file types and compare values
Text::WrapI18N (3pm)
Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullw...
tic (1)
the terminfo entry-description compiler
time (1)
run programs and summarize system resource usage
timedatectl (1)
Control the system time and date
timeout (1)
run a command with a time limit
tis-620 (7)
ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, a...
tload (1)
graphic representation of system load average
tmux (1)
terminal multiplexer
toe (1)
table of (terminfo) entries
top (1)
display Linux processes
touch (1)
change file timestamps
tput (1)
initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tr (1)
translate or delete characters
trial3 (1)
run unit tests
troff (1)
the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
true (1)
do nothing, successfully
truncate (1)
shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
ts (1ssl)
Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
tset (1)
terminal initialization
tsget (1ssl)
Time Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
tsort (1)
perform topological sort
tty (1)
print the file name of the terminal connected to stand...
twistd3 (1)
run Twisted applications (TACs, TAPs)
tzselect (1)
view timezones
ua (1)
Manage Ubuntu Advantage services from Canonical
ubuntu-advantage (1)
Manage Ubuntu Advantage services from Canonical
ubuntu-bug (1)
file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
ubuntu-distro-info (1)
provides information about Ubuntu's distributions
ucf (1)
Update Configuration File: preserve user changes in co...
ucfq (1)
query the ucf database
ucfr (1)
Update Configuration File Registry: associate packages...
udisksctl (1)
The udisks command line tool
ul (1)
do underlining
ulockmgr_server (1)
Lock Manager Server for FUSE filesystems
uname (1)
print system information
uncompress (1)
compress or expand files
unexpand (1)
convert spaces to tabs
unicode_start (1)
put keyboard and console in unicode mode
unicode_stop (1)
revert keyboard and console from unicode mode
uniq (1)
report or omit repeated lines
unlink (1)
call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unlz4 (1)
lz4, unlz4, lz4cat - Compress or decompress .lz4 files
unlzma (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unshare (1)
run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
unsquashfs (1)
tool to uncompress squashfs filesystems
unxz (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
update-alternatives (1)
maintain symbolic links determining default commands
update-inetd (1)
create, remove, enable or disable entry /etc/inetd.conf
update-mime-database (1)
a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database c...
upower (1)
UPower command line tool
uptime (1)
Tell how long the system has been running.
usb-devices (1)
print USB device details
users (1)
print the user names of users currently logged in to t...
utmpdump (1)
dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format
uuidgen (1)
create a new UUID value
uuidparse (1)
a utility to parse unique identifiers
vdir (1)
list directory contents
verify (1ssl)
Utility to verify certificates
version (1ssl)
print OpenSSL version information
vi (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
view (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
vigpg (1)
open and edit an encrypted file
vim (1)
Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
vimdiff (1)
edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim an...
vimtutor (1)
the Vim tutor
vmware-checkvm (1)
Check if running in a VM or not
vmware-toolbox-cmd (1)
GUI toolbox (commandline version)
vmware-xferlogs (1)
dump vm-support output to vmx logfile
volname (1)
return volume name
w (1)
Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
w.procps (1)
Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
wall (1)
write a message to all users
watch (1)
execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
watchgnupg (1)
Read and print logs from a socket
wc (1)
print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
whatis (1)
display one-line manual page descriptions
whereis (1)
locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
which (1)
locate a command
whiptail (1)
display dialog boxes from shell scripts
who (1)
show who is logged on
whoami (1)
print effective userid
wifi-status (1)
monitor the wireless interface
wpa_supplicant (8)
Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X supplicant
write (1)
send a message to another user
X25519 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY X25519 and X448 support
X448 (7ssl)
EVP_PKEY X25519 and X448 support
x509 (1ssl)
Certificate display and signing utility
x86_64-linux-gnu-addr2line (1)
convert addresses into file names and line n...
x86_64-linux-gnu-ar (1)
create, modify, and extract from archives
x86_64-linux-gnu-as (1)
the portable GNU assembler.
x86_64-linux-gnu-c++filt (1)
demangle C++ and Java symbols
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp (1)
The C Preprocessor
x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp-9 (1)
The C Preprocessor
x86_64-linux-gnu-dwp (1)
The DWARF packaging utility
x86_64-linux-gnu-elfedit (1)
update ELF header and program property of ELF ...
x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-linux-gnu-g++-9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-9 (1)
GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar (1)
a wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ar-9 (1)
a wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm (1)
a wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-nm-9 (1)
a wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib (1)
a wrapper around ranlib adding the --plugin...
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib-9 (1)
a wrapper around ranlib adding the --plug...
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov (1)
coverage testing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-9 (1)
coverage testing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump (1)
offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-9 (1)
offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool (1)
offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-9 (1)
offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gold (1)
The GNU ELF linker
x86_64-linux-gnu-gprof (1)
display call graph profile data
x86_64-linux-gnu-ld (1)
The GNU linker
x86_64-linux-gnu-ld.bfd (1)
The GNU linker (1)
The GNU ELF linker
x86_64-linux-gnu-nm (1)
list symbols from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy (1)
copy and translate object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump (1)
display information from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-ranlib (1)
generate an index to an archive
x86_64-linux-gnu-readelf (1)
display information about ELF files
x86_64-linux-gnu-size (1)
list section sizes and total size of binary files
x86_64-linux-gnu-strings (1)
print the sequences of printable characters in...
x86_64-linux-gnu-strip (1)
discard symbols and other data from object files
xargs (1)
build and execute command lines from standard input
xauth (1)
X authority file utility
xdg-user-dir (1)
Find an XDG user dir
xdg-user-dirs-update (1)
Update XDG user dir configuration
xsubpp (1)
compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
xxd (1)
make a hexdump or do the reverse.
xz (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcat (1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcmp (1)
compare compressed files
xzdiff (1)
compare compressed files
xzegrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep (1)
search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xzmore (1)
view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
y1 (3)
Bessel functions of the second kind
y1f (3)
Bessel functions of the second kind
y1l (3)
Bessel functions of the second kind
yes (1)
output a string repeatedly until killed
ypdomainname (1)
show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
zcat (1)
compress or expand files
zcmp (1)
compare compressed files
zdiff (1)
compare compressed files
zegrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zfgrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce (1)
force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep (1)
search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zipdetails (1)
display the internal structure of zip files
zless (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore (1)
file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew (1)
recompress .Z files to .gz files
zsh (1)
the Z shell
zshall (1)
the Z shell meta-man page
zshbuiltins (1)
zsh built-in commands
zshcalsys (1)
zsh calendar system
zshcompctl (1)
zsh programmable completion
zshcompsys (1)
zsh completion system
zshcompwid (1)
zsh completion widgets
zshcontrib (1)
user contributions to zsh
zshexpn (1)
zsh expansion and substitution
zshmisc (1)
everything and then some
zshmodules (1)
zsh loadable modules
zshoptions (1)
zsh options
zshparam (1)
zsh parameters
zshroadmap (1)
informal introduction to the zsh manual The Zsh Manual...
zshtcpsys (1)
zsh tcp system
zshzftpsys (1)
zftp function front-end
zshzle (1)
zsh command line editor
zsoelim (1)
satisfy .so requests in roff input