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bpf-helpers (7)
list of eBPF helper functions
dir (1)
list directory contents
Dpkg::Control::Fields (3perl)
manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Control::FieldsCore (3perl)
manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Deps::AND (3perl)
list of AND dependencies
Dpkg::Deps::KnownFacts (3perl)
list of installed real and virtual packages
Dpkg::Deps::OR (3perl)
list of OR dependencies
Dpkg::Deps::Union (3perl)
list of unrelated dependencies
File::Listing (3pm)
parse directory listing
flistxattr (2)
list extended attribute names
getpcaps (1)
List Process Capabilities
git-branch (1)
List, create, or delete branches
git-ls-remote (1)
List references in a remote repository
git-ls-tree (1)
List the contents of a tree object
git-replace (1)
Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-rev-list (1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-show-ref (1)
List references in a local repository
git-tag (1)
Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
hosts.equiv (5)
list of hosts and users that are granted "trusted" r c...
ioctl_list (2)
list of ioctl calls in Linux/i386 kernel
iptables-extensions (8)
list of extensions in the standard iptables distrib...
kbxutil (1)
List, export, import Keybox data
list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
listen (2)
listen for connections on a socket
listxattr (2)
list extended attribute names
llistxattr (2)
list extended attribute names
lorder (1)
list dependencies for object files
ls (1)
list directory contents
lsattr (1)
list file attributes on a Linux second extended file s...
lsblk (8)
list block devices
lshw (1)
list hardware
lsinitramfs (8)
list content of an initramfs image
lslocks (8)
list local system locks
lsmem (1)
list the ranges of available memory with their online ...
lsns (8)
list namespaces
lsof (8)
list open files
lspci (8)
list all PCI devices
lsusb (8)
list USB devices
lvmdiskscan (8)
List devices that may be used as physical volumes
lvscan (8)
List all logical volumes in all volume groups
nm (1)
list symbols from object files
ntfsls (8)
list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
openssl-list (1ssl)
list algorithms and features
popcon-largest-unused (8)
List size of unused packages
popularity-contest (8)
list the most popular Debian packages
pvscan (8)
List all physical volumes
routel (8)
list routes with pretty output format
rtmon (8)
listens to and monitors RTnetlink
showq (8postfix)
list the Postfix mail queue
size (1)
list section sizes and total size of binary files
sources.list (5)
List of configured APT data sources
suffixes (7)
list of file suffixes
systemd-path (1)
List and query system and user paths
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent (1)
List or process pending systemd password...
systemd.index (7)
List all manpages from the systemd project
thin_ls (8)
List thin volumes within a pool.
tipc-media (8)
list or modify media properties
vdir (1)
list directory contents
x86_64-linux-gnu-nm (1)
list symbols from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-size (1)
list section sizes and total size of binary files