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VGSPLIT(8)                  System Manager's Manual                 VGSPLIT(8)

       vgsplit - Move physical volumes into a new or existing volume group

       vgsplit option_args position_args
           [ option_args ]

       vgsplit moves one or more PVs from a source VG to a destination VG. The
       PVs can be specified explicitly or implicitly by naming an LV, in which
       case on PVs underlying the LV are moved.

       If  the destination VG does not exist, a new VG is created (command op-
       tions can be used to specify properties of the new VG, also see  vgcre-

       LVs cannot be split between VGs; each LV must be entirely on the PVs in
       the source or destination VG.

       vgsplit can only move complete PVs. (See pvmove(8) for moving part of a

       Split a VG by specified PVs.

       vgsplit VG VG PV ...
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Split a VG by PVs in a specified LV.

       vgsplit -n|--name LV VG VG
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Common options for command:
           [ -A|--autobackup y|n ]
           [ -l|--maxlogicalvolumes Number ]
           [ -p|--maxphysicalvolumes Number ]
           [ -M|--metadatatype lvm2 ]
           [    --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|inherit
           [    --[vg]metadatacopies all|unmanaged|Number ]

       Common options for lvm:
           [ -d|--debug ]
           [ -h|--help ]
           [ -q|--quiet ]
           [ -t|--test ]
           [ -v|--verbose ]
           [ -y|--yes ]
           [    --commandprofile String ]
           [    --config String ]
           [    --driverloaded y|n ]
           [    --lockopt String ]
           [    --longhelp ]
           [    --nolocking ]
           [    --profile String ]
           [    --version ]

       --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|inherit
              Determines the allocation policy when a command needs to allo-
              cate Physical Extents (PEs) from the VG. Each VG and LV has an
              allocation policy which can be changed with vgchange/lvchange,
              or overriden on the command line.  normal applies common sense
              rules such as not placing parallel stripes on the same PV.  in-
              herit applies the VG policy to an LV.  contiguous requires new
              PEs be placed adjacent to existing PEs.  cling places new PEs on
              the same PV as existing PEs in the same stripe of the LV.  If
              there are sufficient PEs for an allocation, but normal does not
              use them, anywhere will use them even if it reduces performance,
              e.g. by placing two stripes on the same PV.  Optional positional
              PV args on the command line can also be used to limit which PVs
              the command will use for allocation.  See lvm(8) for more infor-
              mation about allocation.

       -A|--autobackup y|n
              Specifies if metadata should be backed up automatically after a
              change.  Enabling this is strongly advised! See vgcfgbackup(8)
              for more information.

       --commandprofile String
              The command profile to use for command configuration.  See
              lvm.conf(5) for more information about profiles.

       --config String
              Config settings for the command. These override lvm.conf set-
              tings.  The String arg uses the same format as lvm.conf, or may
              use section/field syntax.  See lvm.conf(5) for more information
              about config.

       -d|--debug ...
              Set debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the detail
              of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog (if configured).

       --driverloaded y|n
              If set to no, the command will not attempt to use device-mapper.
              For testing and debugging.

              Display help text.

       --lockopt String
              Used to pass options for special cases to lvmlockd.  See lvm-
              lockd(8) for more information.

              Display long help text.

       -l|--maxlogicalvolumes Number
              Sets the maximum number of LVs allowed in a VG.

       -p|--maxphysicalvolumes Number
              Sets the maximum number of PVs that can belong to the VG.  The
              value 0 removes any limitation.  For large numbers of PVs, also
              see options --pvmetadatacopies, and --vgmetadatacopies for im-
              proving performance.

       -M|--metadatatype lvm2
              Specifies the type of on-disk metadata to use.  lvm2 (or just 2)
              is the current, standard format.  lvm1 (or just 1) is no longer

       -n|--name String
              Move only PVs used by the named LV.

              Disable locking.

       --profile String
              An alias for --commandprofile or --metadataprofile, depending on
              the command.

       -q|--quiet ...
              Suppress output and log messages. Overrides --debug and --ver-
              bose.  Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer

              Run in test mode. Commands will not update metadata.  This is
              implemented by disabling all metadata writing but nevertheless
              returning success to the calling function. This may lead to un-
              usual error messages in multi-stage operations if a tool relies
              on reading back metadata it believes has changed but hasn't.

       -v|--verbose ...
              Set verbose level. Repeat from 1 to 4 times to increase the de-
              tail of messages sent to stdout and stderr.

              Display version information.

       --[vg]metadatacopies all|unmanaged|Number
              Number of copies of the VG metadata that are kept.  VG metadata
              is kept in VG metadata areas on PVs in the VG, i.e. reserved
              space at the start and/or end of the PVs.  Keeping a copy of the
              VG metadata on every PV can reduce performance in VGs containing
              a large number of PVs.  When this number is set to a non-zero
              value, LVM will automatically choose PVs on which to store meta-
              data, using the metadataignore flags on PVs to achieve the spec-
              ified number.  The number can also be replaced with special
              string values: unmanaged causes LVM to not automatically manage
              the PV metadataignore flags.  all causes LVM to first clear the
              metadataignore flags on all PVs, and then to become unmanaged.

              Do not prompt for confirmation interactively but always assume
              the answer yes. Use with extreme caution.  (For automatic no,
              see -qq.)

              Volume Group name.  See lvm(8) for valid names.

              Physical  Volume  name,  a device path under /dev.  For commands
              managing physical extents, a PV positional arg generally accepts
              a suffix indicating a range (or multiple ranges) of physical ex-
              tents (PEs). When the first PE is omitted, it  defaults  to  the
              start of the device, and when the last PE is omitted it defaults
              to end.  Start and end range (inclusive):  PV[:PE-PE]...   Start
              and length range (counting from 0): PV[:PE+PE]...

              See the option description for information about the string con-

              Size is an input number that accepts an  optional  unit.   Input
              units are always treated as base two values, regardless of capi-
              talization, e.g. 'k' and 'K' both refer to  1024.   The  default
              input unit is specified by letter, followed by |UNIT.  UNIT rep-
              resents other possible input units:  bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE.   b|B  is
              bytes,  s|S  is  sectors  of 512 bytes, k|K is kilobytes, m|M is
              megabytes, g|G is gigabytes, t|T is terabytes, p|P is petabytes,
              e|E  is  exabytes.  (This should not be confused with the output
              control --units, where capital letters mean multiple of 1000.)

       See lvm(8) for information about environment  variables  used  by  lvm.
       For example, LVM_VG_NAME can generally be substituted for a required VG

       lvm(8) lvm.conf(5) lvmconfig(8)

       pvchange(8)  pvck(8)  pvcreate(8)  pvdisplay(8)  pvmove(8)  pvremove(8)
       pvresize(8) pvs(8) pvscan(8)

       vgcfgbackup(8)  vgcfgrestore(8)  vgchange(8) vgck(8) vgcreate(8) vgcon-
       vert(8)  vgdisplay(8)  vgexport(8)  vgextend(8)  vgimport(8)  vgimport-
       clone(8)  vgmerge(8)  vgmknodes(8)  vgreduce(8) vgremove(8) vgrename(8)
       vgs(8) vgscan(8) vgsplit(8)

       lvcreate(8) lvchange(8)  lvconvert(8)  lvdisplay(8)  lvextend(8)  lvre-
       duce(8) lvremove(8) lvrename(8) lvresize(8) lvs(8) lvscan(8)

       lvm-fullreport(8) lvm-lvpoll(8) lvm2-activation-generator(8) blkdeacti-
       vate(8) lvmdump(8)

       dmeventd(8) lvmpolld(8)  lvmlockd(8)  lvmlockctl(8)  cmirrord(8)  lvmd-

       lvmsystemid(7) lvmreport(7) lvmraid(7) lvmthin(7) lvmcache(7)

Red Hat, Inc.          LVM TOOLS 2.03.07(2) (2019-11-30)            VGSPLIT(8)