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PVCK(8)                     System Manager's Manual                    PVCK(8)

       pvck - Check metadata on physical volumes

       pvck option_args position_args
           [ option_args ]

           --commandprofile String
           --config String
           --driverloaded y|n
           --dump String
        -f|--file String
           --labelsector Number
           --lockopt String
           --profile String
           --[pv]metadatacopies 0|1|2
           --repairtype pv_header|metadata|label_header
           --settings String

       pvck checks and repairs LVM metadata on PVs.

       Print  header  values and warn if any values are incorrect.  Checks the
       label_header, pv_header, mda_header(s), and metadata text.

       Print or save the current metadata text, using headers  to  locate  the
       metadata.   If headers are damaged, the metadata may not be found.  Use
       --settings "mda_num=2" to look in mda2 (the second mda at  the  end  of
       the  device  (if  used).  The metadata text is printed to stdout.  With
       --file, the metadata text is saved to a file.

       List or save all versions of metadata found in the metadata area, using
       headers  to  locate the metadata.  If headers are damaged, the metadata
       may not be found.  Use --settings "mda_num=2" as above.   All  metadata
       versions  are  listed  (add -v to include descriptions and dates in the
       listing.)  With -file, all versions are written to a file.

       Search for all versions of metadata in the common locations.  This does
       not use headers, so it can find metadata even when headers are damaged.
       Use --settings "mda_num=2" as above.  All metadata versions are  listed
       (add  -v  to  include  descriptions  and  dates  in the listing.)  With
       --file, all versions are written to a file.  To save one copy of  meta-
       data,  use  --settings  "metadata_offset=<offset>", where the offset is
       taken from the dump listing.

       Save the entire text metadata area to a file without processing.

       Repair headers and metadata on a PV.  This uses a metadata  input  file
       that  was extracted by --dump, or a backup file (from /etc/lvm/backup).
       When possible, use metadata saved by --dump from another PV in the same
       VG (or from a second metadata area on the PV).

       There  are cases where the PV UUID needs to be specified for the PV be-
       ing repaired.  It is specified using --settings  "pv_uuid=<UUID>".   In
       particular, if the device name for the PV being repaired does not match
       the previous device name of the PV, then LVM may not be able to  deter-
       mine the correct PV UUID.  When headers are damaged on more than one PV
       in a VG, it is important for the user to determine the correct PV  UUID
       and  specify  it  in --settings.  Otherwise, the wrong PV UUID could be
       used if device names have been swapped  since  the  metadata  was  last

       If  a  PV  had no metadata areas and the pv_header is damaged, then the
       repair will not know to create no metadata  areas  during  repair.   It
       will  by  default  repair metadata in mda1.  To repair with no metadata
       areas, use --settings "mda_offset=0 mda_size=0".

       There are cases where repair should be run on all PVs in the VG  (using
       the same metadata file):  if all PVs in the VG are damaged, if using an
       old metadata version, or if a backup file is used instead of raw  meta-

       Using --repair is equivalent to running --repairtype pv_header followed
       by --repairtype metadata.

       --repairtype pv_header
       Repairs the header sector, containing the pv_header and label_header.

       --repairtype metadata
       Repairs the mda_header and metadata text.  It requires the  headers  to
       be correct (having been undamaged or already repaired).

       --repairtype label_header
       Repairs label_header fields, leaving the pv_header (in the same sector)
       unchanged.  (repairtype pv_header should usually be used instead.)

       Check for metadata on a device

       pvck PV ...
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Check and print LVM headers and metadata on a device

       pvck --dump String PV
           [ -f|--file String ]
           [    --settings String ]
           [    --[pv]metadatacopies 0|1|2 ]
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Repair LVM headers or metadata on a device

       pvck --repairtype pv_header|metadata|label_header PV
           [ -f|--file String ]
           [    --settings String ]
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Repair LVM headers and metadata on a device

       pvck --repair -f|--file String PV
           [    --settings String ]
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Common options for command:
           [    --labelsector Number ]

       Common options for lvm:
           [ -d|--debug ]
           [ -h|--help ]
           [ -q|--quiet ]
           [ -t|--test ]
           [ -v|--verbose ]
           [ -y|--yes ]
           [    --commandprofile String ]
           [    --config String ]
           [    --driverloaded y|n ]
           [    --lockopt String ]
           [    --longhelp ]
           [    --nolocking ]
           [    --profile String ]
           [    --version ]

       --commandprofile String
              The command profile to use for command configuration.  See
              lvm.conf(5) for more information about profiles.

       --config String
              Config settings for the command. These override lvm.conf set-
              tings.  The String arg uses the same format as lvm.conf, or may
              use section/field syntax.  See lvm.conf(5) for more information
              about config.

       -d|--debug ...
              Set debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the detail
              of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog (if configured).

       --driverloaded y|n
              If set to no, the command will not attempt to use device-mapper.
              For testing and debugging.

       --dump String
              Dump headers and metadata from a PV for debugging and repair.
              Option values include: headers to print and check LVM headers,
              metadata to print or save the current text metadata, meta-
              data_all to list or save all versions of metadata, meta-
              data_search to list or save all versions of metadata, searching
              standard locations in case of damaged headers, metadata_area to
              save an entire text metadata area to a file.

       -f|--file String
              Metadata file to read or write.

              Display help text.

       --labelsector Number
              By default the PV is labelled with an LVM2 identifier in its
              second sector (sector 1). This lets you use a different sector
              near the start of the disk (between 0 and 3 inclusive - see LA-
              BEL_SCAN_SECTORS in the source). Use with care.

       --lockopt String
              Used to pass options for special cases to lvmlockd.  See lvm-
              lockd(8) for more information.

              Display long help text.

              Disable locking.

       --profile String
              An alias for --commandprofile or --metadataprofile, depending on
              the command.

       --[pv]metadatacopies 0|1|2
              The number of metadata areas to set aside on a PV for storing VG
              metadata.  When 2, one copy of the VG metadata is stored at the
              front of the PV and a second copy is stored at the end.  When 1,
              one copy of the VG metadata is stored at the front of the PV.
              When 0, no copies of the VG metadata are stored on the given PV.
              This may be useful in VGs containing many PVs (this places limi-
              tations on the ability to use vgsplit later.)

       -q|--quiet ...
              Suppress output and log messages. Overrides --debug and --ver-
              bose.  Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer

              Repair headers and metadata on a PV.

       --repairtype pv_header|metadata|label_header
              Repair headers and metadata on a PV. See command description.

       --settings String
              Specifies command specific settings in "Key = Value" form.  Re-
              peat this option to specify multiple values.

              Run in test mode. Commands will not update metadata.  This is
              implemented by disabling all metadata writing but nevertheless
              returning success to the calling function. This may lead to un-
              usual error messages in multi-stage operations if a tool relies
              on reading back metadata it believes has changed but hasn't.

       -v|--verbose ...
              Set verbose level. Repeat from 1 to 4 times to increase the de-
              tail of messages sent to stdout and stderr.

              Display version information.

              Do not prompt for confirmation interactively but always assume
              the answer yes. Use with extreme caution.  (For automatic no,
              see -qq.)

              Physical  Volume  name,  a device path under /dev.  For commands
              managing physical extents, a PV positional arg generally accepts
              a suffix indicating a range (or multiple ranges) of physical ex-
              tents (PEs). When the first PE is omitted, it  defaults  to  the
              start of the device, and when the last PE is omitted it defaults
              to end.  Start and end range (inclusive):  PV[:PE-PE]...   Start
              and length range (counting from 0): PV[:PE+PE]...

              See the option description for information about the string con-

              Size is an input number that accepts an  optional  unit.   Input
              units are always treated as base two values, regardless of capi-
              talization, e.g. 'k' and 'K' both refer to  1024.   The  default
              input unit is specified by letter, followed by |UNIT.  UNIT rep-
              resents other possible input units:  bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE.   b|B  is
              bytes,  s|S  is  sectors  of 512 bytes, k|K is kilobytes, m|M is
              megabytes, g|G is gigabytes, t|T is terabytes, p|P is petabytes,
              e|E  is  exabytes.  (This should not be confused with the output
              control --units, where capital letters mean multiple of 1000.)

       See lvm(8) for information about environment  variables  used  by  lvm.
       For example, LVM_VG_NAME can generally be substituted for a required VG

       If the partition table is corrupted or lost on /dev/sda, and  you  sus-
       pect  there  was  an  LVM partition at approximately 100 MiB, then this
       area of the disk can be scanned using the --labelsector parameter  with
       a value of 204800 (100 * 1024 * 1024 / 512 = 204800).
       pvck --labelsector 204800 /dev/sda

       lvm(8) lvm.conf(5) lvmconfig(8)

       pvchange(8)  pvck(8)  pvcreate(8)  pvdisplay(8)  pvmove(8)  pvremove(8)
       pvresize(8) pvs(8) pvscan(8)

       vgcfgbackup(8) vgcfgrestore(8) vgchange(8) vgck(8)  vgcreate(8)  vgcon-
       vert(8)  vgdisplay(8)  vgexport(8)  vgextend(8)  vgimport(8)  vgimport-
       clone(8) vgmerge(8) vgmknodes(8)  vgreduce(8)  vgremove(8)  vgrename(8)
       vgs(8) vgscan(8) vgsplit(8)

       lvcreate(8)  lvchange(8)  lvconvert(8)  lvdisplay(8)  lvextend(8) lvre-
       duce(8) lvremove(8) lvrename(8) lvresize(8) lvs(8) lvscan(8)

       lvm-fullreport(8) lvm-lvpoll(8) lvm2-activation-generator(8) blkdeacti-
       vate(8) lvmdump(8)

       dmeventd(8)  lvmpolld(8)  lvmlockd(8)  lvmlockctl(8)  cmirrord(8) lvmd-

       lvmsystemid(7) lvmreport(7) lvmraid(7) lvmthin(7) lvmcache(7)

Red Hat, Inc.          LVM TOOLS 2.03.07(2) (2019-11-30)               PVCK(8)