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ENVIRONMENT.D(5)                 environment.d                ENVIRONMENT.D(5)

       environment.d - Definition of user session environment






       The environment.d directories contain a list of environment variable
       assignments for services started by the systemd user instance.
       systemd-environment-d-generator(8) parses them and updates the
       environment exported by the systemd user instance. See below for an
       discussion of which processes inherit those variables.

       It is recommended to use numerical prefixes for file names to simplify

       For backwards compatibility, a symlink to /etc/environment is
       installed, so this file is also parsed.

       Configuration files are read from directories in /etc/, /run/,
       /usr/local/lib/, and /lib/, in order of precedence, as listed in the
       SYNOPSIS section above. Files must have the the ".conf" extension.
       Files in /etc/ override files with the same name in /run/,
       /usr/local/lib/, and /lib/. Files in /run/ override files with the same
       name under /usr/.

       All configuration files are sorted by their filename in lexicographic
       order, regardless of which of the directories they reside in. If
       multiple files specify the same option, the entry in the file with the
       lexicographically latest name will take precedence. Thus, the
       configuration in a certain file may either be replaced completely (by
       placing a file with the same name in a directory with higher priority),
       or individual settings might be changed (by specifying additional
       settings in a file with a different name that is ordered later).

       Packages should install their configuration files in /usr/lib/
       (distribution packages) or /usr/local/lib/ (local installs). Files in
       /etc/ are reserved for the local administrator, who may use this logic
       to override the configuration files installed by vendor packages. It is
       recommended to prefix all filenames with a two-digit number and a dash,
       to simplify the ordering of the files.

       If the administrator wants to disable a configuration file supplied by
       the vendor, the recommended way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in
       the configuration directory in /etc/, with the same filename as the
       vendor configuration file. If the vendor configuration file is included
       in the initrd image, the image has to be regenerated.

       The configuration files contain a list of "KEY=VALUE" environment
       variable assignments, separated by newlines. The right hand side of
       these assignments may reference previously defined environment
       variables, using the "${OTHER_KEY}" and "$OTHER_KEY" format. It is also
       possible to use "${FOO:-DEFAULT_VALUE}" to expand in the same way as
       "${FOO}" unless the expansion would be empty, in which case it expands
       to DEFAULT_VALUE, and use "${FOO:+ALTERNATE_VALUE}" to expand to
       ALTERNATE_VALUE as long as "${FOO}" would have expanded to a non-empty
       value. No other elements of shell syntax are supported.

       Each KEY must be a valid variable name. Empty lines and lines beginning
       with the comment character "#" are ignored.

       Example 1. Setup environment to allow access to a program installed in



       Environment variables exported by the user manager (systemd --user
       instance started in the user@uid.service system service) apply to any
       services started by that manager. In particular, this may include
       services which run user shells. For example in the Gnome environment,
       the graphical terminal emulator runs as the
       gnome-terminal-server.service user unit, which in turn runs the user
       shell, so that shell will inherit environment variables exported by the
       user manager. For other instances of the shell, not launched by the
       user manager, the environment they inherit is defined by the program
       that starts them. Hint: in general, systemd.service(5) units contain
       programs launched by systemd, and systemd.scope(5) units contain
       programs launched by something else.

       Specifically, for ssh logins, the sshd(8) service builds an environment
       that is a combination of variables forwarded from the remote system and
       defined by sshd, see the discussion in ssh(1). A graphical display
       session will have an analogous mechanism to define the environment.
       Note that some managers query the systemd user instance for the
       exported environment and inject this configuration into programs they
       start, using systemctl show-environment or the underlying D-Bus call.

       systemd(1), systemd-environment-d-generator(8), systemd.environment-

systemd 245                                                   ENVIRONMENT.D(5)