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BTRFS-SUBVOLUME(8)               Btrfs Manual               BTRFS-SUBVOLUME(8)

       btrfs-subvolume - manage btrfs subvolumes

       btrfs subvolume _subcommand_ [_args_]

       btrfs subvolume is used to create/delete/list/show btrfs subvolumes and

       A subvolume is a part of filesystem with its own independent
       file/directory hierarchy. Subvolumes can share file extents. A snapshot
       is also subvolume, but with a given initial content of the original

           A subvolume in btrfs is not like an LVM logical volume, which is
           block-level snapshot while btrfs subvolumes are file extent-based.

       A subvolume looks like a normal directory, with some additional
       operations described below. Subvolumes can be renamed or moved, nesting
       subvolumes is not restricted but has some implications regarding

       A subvolume in btrfs can be accessed in two ways:

       o   like any other directory that is accessible to the user

       o   like a separately mounted filesystem (options subvol or subvolid)

       In the latter case the parent directory is not visible and accessible.
       This is similar to a bind mount, and in fact the subvolume mount does
       exactly that.

       A freshly created filesystem is also a subvolume, called top-level,
       internally has an id 5. This subvolume cannot be removed or replaced by
       another subvolume. This is also the subvolume that will be mounted by
       default, unless the default subvolume has been changed (see subcommand

       A snapshot is a subvolume like any other, with given initial content.
       By default, snapshots are created read-write. File modifications in a
       snapshot do not affect the files in the original subvolume.

       create [-i _qgroupid_] [<dest>/]_name_
           Create a subvolume _name_ in _dest_.

           If _dest_ is not given, subvolume _name_ will be created in the
           current directory.


           -i _qgroupid_
               Add the newly created subvolume to a qgroup. This option can be
               given multiple times.

       delete [options] _subvolume_ [_subvolume_...]
           Delete the subvolume(s) from the filesystem.

           If _subvolume_ is not a subvolume, btrfs returns an error but
           continues if there are more arguments to process.

           The corresponding directory is removed instantly but the data
           blocks are removed later in the background. The command returns
           immediately. See btrfs subvolume sync how to wait until the
           subvolume gets completely removed.

           The deletion does not involve full transaction commit by default
           due to performance reasons. As a consequence, the subvolume may
           appear again after a crash. Use one of the --commit options to wait
           until the operation is safely stored on the device.


               wait for transaction commit at the end of the operation.

               wait for transaction commit after deleting each subvolume.

               verbose output of operations.

       find-new _subvolume_ _last_gen_
           List the recently modified files in a subvolume, after _last_gen_

       get-default _path_
           Get the default subvolume of the filesystem _path_.

           The output format is similar to subvolume list command.

       list [options] [-G [+|-]_value_] [-C [+|-]_value_]
       [--sort=rootid,gen,ogen,path] _path_
           List the subvolumes present in the filesystem _path_.

           For every subvolume the following information is shown by default:

           ID _ID_ gen _generation_ top level _ID_ path _path_

           where ID is subvolume's id, gen is an internal counter which is
           updated every transaction, top level is the same as parent
           subvolume's id, and path is the relative path of the subvolume to
           the top level subvolume. The subvolume's ID may be used by the
           subvolume set-default command, or at mount time via the subvolid=


           Path filtering

                   print only subvolumes below specified _path_.

                   print all the subvolumes in the filesystem and distinguish
                   between absolute and relative path with respect to the
                   given _path_.

           Field selection

                   print the parent ID (parent here means the subvolume which
                   contains this subvolume).

                   print the ogeneration of the subvolume, aliases: ogen or
                   origin generation.

                   print the generation of the subvolume (default).

                   print the UUID of the subvolume.

                   print the parent UUID of the subvolume (parent here means
                   subvolume of which this subvolume is a snapshot).

                   print the UUID of the sent subvolume, where the subvolume
                   is the result of a receive operation.

           Type filtering

                   only snapshot subvolumes in the filesystem will be listed.

                   only readonly subvolumes in the filesystem will be listed.

                   list deleted subvolumes that are not yet cleaned.


                   print the result as a table.

               By default the subvolumes will be sorted by subvolume ID

               -G [+|-]_value_
                   list subvolumes in the filesystem that its generation is
                   >=, < or = value. '+' means >= value, '-' means <= value,
                   If there is neither '+' nor '-', it means = value.

               -C [+|-]_value_
                   list subvolumes in the filesystem that its ogeneration is
                   >=, <= or = value. The usage is the same to -G option.

                   list subvolumes in order by specified items. you can add
                   '+' or '-' in front of each items, '+' means ascending, '-'
                   means descending. The default is ascending.

                   for --sort you can combine some items together by ',', just
                   like --sort=+ogen,-gen,path,rootid.

       set-default [_subvolume_|_id_ _path_]
           Set the default subvolume for the (mounted) filesystem.

           Set the default subvolume for the (mounted) filesystem at _path_.
           This will hide the top-level subvolume (i.e. the one mounted with
           subvol=/ or subvolid=5). Takes action on next mount.

           There are two ways how to specify the subvolume, by _id_ or by the
           _subvolume_ path. The id can be obtained from btrfs subvolume list,
           btrfs subvolume show or btrfs inspect-internal rootid.

       show [options] _path_
           Show more information about subvolume _path_ regarding UUIDs,
           times, generations, flags and related snapshots.

                       Name:                   subvolume
                       UUID:                   5e076a14-4e42-254d-ac8e-55bebea982d1
                       Parent UUID:            -
                       Received UUID:          -
                       Creation time:          2018-01-01 12:34:56 +0000
                       Subvolume ID:           79
                       Generation:             2844
                       Gen at creation:        2844
                       Parent ID:              5
                       Top level ID:           5
                       Flags:                  -


               rootid of the subvolume.

               UUID of the subvolume.

       snapshot [-r|-i _qgroupid_] _source_ _dest_|[<dest>/]_name_
           Create a snapshot of the subvolume _source_ with the name _name_ in
           the _dest_ directory.

           If only _dest_ is given, the subvolume will be named the basename
           of _source_. If _source_ is not a subvolume, btrfs returns an


               Make the new snapshot read only.

           -i _qgroupid_
               Add the newly created subvolume to a qgroup. This option can be
               given multiple times.

       sync _path_ [subvolid...]
           Wait until given subvolume(s) are completely removed from the
           filesystem after deletion. If no subvolume id is given, wait until
           all current deletion requests are completed, but do not wait for
           subvolumes deleted in the meantime.


           -s _N_
               sleep N seconds between checks (default: 1)

       btrfs subvolume returns a zero exit status if it succeeds. A non-zero
       value is returned in case of failure.

       btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Please refer to the btrfs wiki for further details.

       mkfs.btrfs(8), mount(8), btrfs-quota(8), btrfs-qgroup(8),

Btrfs v5.4.1                      01/09/2020                BTRFS-SUBVOLUME(8)