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BTRFS-QUOTA(8)                   Btrfs Manual                   BTRFS-QUOTA(8)

       btrfs-quota - control the global quota status of a btrfs filesystem

       btrfs quota _subcommand_ _args_

       The commands under btrfs quota are used to affect the global status of
       quotas of a btrfs filesystem. The quota groups (qgroups) are managed by
       the subcommand btrfs qgroup(8).

           Qgroups are different than the traditional user quotas and designed
           to track shared and exclusive data per-subvolume. Please refer to
           the section HIERARCHICAL QUOTA GROUP CONCEPTS for a detailed

       When quotas are activated, they affect all extent processing, which
       takes a performance hit. Activation of qgroups is not recommended
       unless the user intends to actually use them.

       The qgroup implementation has turned out to be quite difficult as it
       affects the core of the filesystem operation. Qgroup users have hit
       various corner cases over time, such as incorrect accounting or system
       instability. The situation is gradually improving and issues found and

       The concept of quota has a long-standing tradition in the Unix world.
       Ever since computers allow multiple users to work simultaneously in one
       filesystem, there is the need to prevent one user from using up the
       entire space. Every user should get his fair share of the available

       In case of files, the solution is quite straightforward. Each file has
       an owner recorded along with it, and it has a size. Traditional quota
       just restricts the total size of all files that are owned by a user.
       The concept is quite flexible: if a user hits his quota limit, the
       administrator can raise it on the fly.

       On the other hand, the traditional approach has only a poor solution to
       restrict directories. At installation time, the harddisk can be
       partitioned so that every directory (eg. /usr, /var/, ...) that needs a
       limit gets its own partition. The obvious problem is that those limits
       cannot be changed without a reinstallation. The btrfs subvolume feature
       builds a bridge. Subvolumes correspond in many ways to partitions, as
       every subvolume looks like its own filesystem. With subvolume quota, it
       is now possible to restrict each subvolume like a partition, but keep
       the flexibility of quota. The space for each subvolume can be expanded
       or restricted on the fly.

       As subvolumes are the basis for snapshots, interesting questions arise
       as to how to account used space in the presence of snapshots. If you
       have a file shared between a subvolume and a snapshot, whom to account
       the file to? The creator? Both? What if the file gets modified in the
       snapshot, should only these changes be accounted to it? But wait, both
       the snapshot and the subvolume belong to the same user home. I just
       want to limit the total space used by both! But somebody else might not
       want to charge the snapshots to the users.

       Btrfs subvolume quota solves these problems by introducing groups of
       subvolumes and let the user put limits on them. It is even possible to
       have groups of groups. In the following, we refer to them as qgroups.

       Each qgroup primarily tracks two numbers, the amount of total
       referenced space and the amount of exclusively referenced space.

           space is the amount of data that can be reached from any of the
           subvolumes contained in the qgroup, while

           is the amount of data where all references to this data can be
           reached from within this qgroup.

       The basic notion of the Subvolume Quota feature is the quota group,
       short qgroup. Qgroups are notated as level/id, eg. the qgroup 3/2 is a
       qgroup of level 3. For level 0, the leading 0/ can be omitted. Qgroups
       of level 0 get created automatically when a subvolume/snapshot gets
       created. The ID of the qgroup corresponds to the ID of the subvolume,
       so 0/5 is the qgroup for the root subvolume. For the btrfs qgroup
       command, the path to the subvolume can also be used instead of 0/ID.
       For all higher levels, the ID can be chosen freely.

       Each qgroup can contain a set of lower level qgroups, thus creating a
       hierarchy of qgroups. Figure 1 shows an example qgroup tree.

                                    /     \
                              +---+/       \+---+
                              |1/1|         |1/2|
                              +---+         +---+
                             /     \       /     \
                       +---+/       \+---+/       \+---+
           qgroups     |0/1|         |0/2|         |0/3|
                       +-+-+         +---+         +---+
                         |          /     \       /     \
                         |         /       \     /       \
                         |        /         \   /         \
           extents       1       2            3            4

       Figure1: Sample qgroup hierarchy

       At the bottom, some extents are depicted showing which qgroups
       reference which extents. It is important to understand the notion of
       referenced vs exclusive. In the example, qgroup 0/2 references extents
       2 and 3, while 1/2 references extents 2-4, 2/1 references all extents.

       On the other hand, extent 1 is exclusive to 0/1, extent 2 is exclusive
       to 0/2, while extent 3 is neither exclusive to 0/2 nor to 0/3. But
       because both references can be reached from 1/2, extent 3 is exclusive
       to 1/2. All extents are exclusive to 2/1.

       So exclusive does not mean there is no other way to reach the extent,
       but it does mean that if you delete all subvolumes contained in a
       qgroup, the extent will get deleted.

       Exclusive of a qgroup conveys the useful information how much space
       will be freed in case all subvolumes of the qgroup get deleted.

       All data extents are accounted this way. Metadata that belongs to a
       specific subvolume (i.e. its filesystem tree) is also accounted.
       Checksums and extent allocation information are not accounted.

       In turn, the referenced count of a qgroup can be limited. All writes
       beyond this limit will lead to a Quota Exceeded error.

       Things get a bit more complicated when new subvolumes or snapshots are
       created. The case of (empty) subvolumes is still quite easy. If a
       subvolume should be part of a qgroup, it has to be added to the qgroup
       at creation time. To add it at a later time, it would be necessary to
       at least rescan the full subvolume for a proper accounting.

       Creation of a snapshot is the hard case. Obviously, the snapshot will
       reference the exact amount of space as its source, and both source and
       destination now have an exclusive count of 0 (the filesystem nodesize
       to be precise, as the roots of the trees are not shared). But what
       about qgroups of higher levels? If the qgroup contains both the source
       and the destination, nothing changes. If the qgroup contains only the
       source, it might lose some exclusive.

       But how much? The tempting answer is, subtract all exclusive of the
       source from the qgroup, but that is wrong, or at least not enough.
       There could have been an extent that is referenced from the source and
       another subvolume from that qgroup. This extent would have been
       exclusive to the qgroup, but not to the source subvolume. With the
       creation of the snapshot, the qgroup would also lose this extent from
       its exclusive set.

       So how can this problem be solved? In the instant the snapshot gets
       created, we already have to know the correct exclusive count. We need
       to have a second qgroup that contains all the subvolumes as the first
       qgroup, except the subvolume we want to snapshot. The moment we create
       the snapshot, the exclusive count from the second qgroup needs to be
       copied to the first qgroup, as it represents the correct value. The
       second qgroup is called a tracking qgroup. It is only there in case a
       snapshot is needed.

       Below are some usecases that do not mean to be extensive. You can find
       your own way how to integrate qgroups.

           Replacement for partitions

           The simplest use case is to use qgroups as simple replacement for
           partitions. Btrfs takes the disk as a whole, and /, /usr, /var,
           etc. are created as subvolumes. As each subvolume gets it own
           qgroup automatically, they can simply be restricted. No hierarchy
           is needed for that.

           Track usage of snapshots

           When a snapshot is taken, a qgroup for it will automatically be
           created with the correct values. Referenced will show how much is
           in it, possibly shared with other subvolumes. Exclusive will be the
           amount of space that gets freed when the subvolume is deleted.

           Restricting homes

           When you have several users on a machine, with home directories
           probably under /home, you might want to restrict /home as a whole,
           while restricting every user to an individual limit as well. This
           is easily accomplished by creating a qgroup for /home , eg. 1/1,
           and assigning all user subvolumes to it. Restricting this qgroup
           will limit /home, while every user subvolume can get its own
           (lower) limit.

           Accounting snapshots to the user

           Let's say the user is allowed to create snapshots via some
           mechanism. It would only be fair to account space used by the
           snapshots to the user. This does not mean the user doubles his
           usage as soon as he takes a snapshot. Of course, files that are
           present in his home and the snapshot should only be accounted once.
           This can be accomplished by creating a qgroup for each user, say
           1/UID. The user home and all snapshots are assigned to this qgroup.
           Limiting it will extend the limit to all snapshots, counting files
           only once. To limit /home as a whole, a higher level group 2/1
           replacing 1/1 from the previous example is needed, with all user
           qgroups assigned to it.

           Do not account snapshots

           On the other hand, when the snapshots get created automatically,
           the user has no chance to control them, so the space used by them
           should not be accounted to him. This is already the case when
           creating snapshots in the example from the previous section.

           Snapshots for backup purposes

           This scenario is a mixture of the previous two. The user can create
           snapshots, but some snapshots for backup purposes are being created
           by the system. The user's snapshots should be accounted to the
           user, not the system. The solution is similar to the one from
           section Accounting snapshots to the user, but do not assign system
           snapshots to user's qgroup.

       disable _path_
           Disable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.

       enable _path_
           Enable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.

       rescan [-s] _path_
           Trash all qgroup numbers and scan the metadata again with the
           current config.


               show status of a running rescan operation.

               wait for rescan operation to finish(can be already in

       btrfs quota returns a zero exit status if it succeeds. Non zero is
       returned in case of failure.

       btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Please refer to the btrfs wiki for further details.

       mkfs.btrfs(8), btrfs-subvolume(8), btrfs-qgroup(8)

Btrfs v5.4.1                      01/09/2020                    BTRFS-QUOTA(8)